Accueil > Productions scientifiques > Articles > Publiés > Freeze-out properties of multifragmentation events
S. Piantelli et al
Nuclear Physics A 809 (2008) 111–128
Freeze-out properties of multifragmentation events produced in central 129Xe + natSn collisions at different beam energies (32, 39, 45 and 50 A MeV) were estimated by means of a simulation based on the experimental data collected by the 4π INDRA multidetector. A rapid increase (between 32 and 45 A MeV) of the fraction of particles emitted at freeze-out is deduced. The existence of a limitation of excitation energy for fragments around 3.0–3.5 A MeV is confirmed. A comparison with the results of a microcanonical statistical model is also performed to verify the overall physical coherence of the present approach.