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Accueil > Productions scientifiques > Articles > Publiés > Kinematical properties and composition of vaporizing sources : is thermodynamical equilibrium achieved ?

Kinematical properties and composition of vaporizing sources : is thermodynamical equilibrium achieved ?

B. Borderie et al

Physics Letters B 388 (1996) 224-228

Kinematical properties and chemical composition of vaporizing sources observed in heavy-ion collisions are presented. Vaporizing sources detected with the 4π array INDRA, are defined as sources for which all detected species have atomic numbers lower than 3. The excitation energy of the sources covers a very broad range (6–28 AMeV). The occurrence of thermodynamical equilibrium is discussed by comparing the data with the results of two statistical models. The model describing a gas in thermal and chemical equilibrium reproduces rather well the data suggesting that thermodynamical equilibrium may have been reached for such sources.
