6 #include <unordered_map>
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Base class for detector geometry description, interface to energy-loss calculations.
Path taken by particles through multidetector geometry.
Bool_t fAddToNodes
if kTRUE, add trajectory to node's list
Information on relative positions of detectors & particle trajectories.
Path through detector array used to reconstruct detected particle.
virtual ~KVReconNucTrajectory()
KVReconNucTrajectory & operator=(const KVReconNucTrajectory &)
void Copy(TObject &obj) const
void ls(Option_t *="") const
Int_t GetNumberOfIndependentIdentifications() const
KVDetector * GetDetector(const TString &label) const
Int_t fIndependentIdentifications
number of independent ID telescopes on trajectory
std::unordered_map< std::string, KVDetector * > fDetLabels
map detector labels to detectors