Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
Base class for detector geometry description, interface to energy-loss calculations.
A detector is composed of one or more absorber layers (KVMaterial objects) in which the energy loss of charged particles can be calculated. One of these layers is set as "active" (by default it is the last added layer) which means that only the energy loss in this layer can actually be "read", e.g. an ionisation chamber is composed of an "active" gas layer sandwiched between two "inactive" windows :
A detector is created either with the constructor taking the material type as argument:
or using SetMaterial:
or it is created when a ROOT geometry is imported into a KVMultiDetArray object using KVGeoImport.
Two methods are available: one simply calculates the energy lost by the particle in the detector, but does not modify either the particle or the detector (GetELostByParticle); the other simulates the passage of the particle through the detector, the particle's energy is reduced by the amount lost in the detector's absorbers and the total energy lost in the detector is increased, e.g.:
For detector geometries based on the ROOT geometry package, the following methods refer to the surface of the first volume constituting the detector crossed from the target (referred to as the "entrance window"):
Definition at line 121 of file KVDetector.h.
Public Member Functions | |
KVDetector () | |
default ctor More... | |
KVDetector (const Char_t *type, const Float_t thick=0.0) | |
Create a new detector of a given material and thickness in centimetres (default value = 0.0) More... | |
KVDetector (const KVDetector &) | |
copy ctor More... | |
virtual | ~ KVDetector () |
void | AddAbsorber (KVMaterial *) |
void | AddACQParam (KVACQParam *) |
Add given acquisition parameter to this detector. More... | |
Bool_t | AddCalibrator (KVCalibrator *cal, const KVNameValueList &opts="") |
void | AddDetectorSignal (KVDetectorSignal *ds) |
Bool_t | AddDetectorSignalExpression (const TString &type, const KVString &_expr) |
void | AddHit (KVNucleus *part) |
virtual void | AddIDTelescope (TObject *idt) |
Add ID telescope to list of telescopes to which detector belongs. More... | |
void | AddParentStructure (KVGeoStrucElement *elem) |
virtual void | AddToGeometry () |
Bool_t | BelongsToIdentifiedParticle () const |
Bool_t | BelongsToUnidentifiedParticle () const |
virtual void | Clear (Option_t *opt="") |
void | ClearHits () |
virtual void | Copy (TObject &obj) const |
virtual void | DeduceACQParameters (KVEvent *, KVNumberList &) |
virtual void | DetectParticle (KVNucleus *, TVector3 *norm=0) |
virtual TGraph * | DrawPunchThroughEnergyVsZ (Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass) |
virtual TGraph * | DrawPunchThroughEsurAVsZ (Int_t massform=KVNucleus::kBetaMass) |
virtual Int_t | FindZmin (Double_t ELOSS=-1., Char_t mass_formula=-1) |
virtual Bool_t | Fired (Option_t *opt="any") const |
virtual Bool_t | FiredP (Option_t *opt="any") const |
KVMaterial * | GetAbsorber (const Char_t *name) const |
KVMaterial * | GetAbsorber (Int_t i) const |
Returns pointer to the i-th absorber in the detector (i=0 first absorber, i=1 second, etc.) More... | |
virtual Float_t | GetACQData (const Char_t *) const |
virtual KVACQParam * | GetACQParam (const Char_t *) const |
KVList * | GetACQParamList () const |
KVMaterial * | GetActiveLayer () const |
TGeoHMatrix * | GetActiveLayerMatrix () const |
TGeoBBox * | GetActiveLayerShape () const |
TVector3 | GetActiveLayerSurfaceCentre () const |
TVector3 | GetActiveLayerVolumeCentre () const |
virtual TList * | GetAlignedDetectors (UInt_t direction=1) |
KVList * | GetAlignedIDTelescopes () |
virtual const Char_t * | GetArrayName () |
virtual Short_t | GetCalcACQParam (KVACQParam *, Double_t) const |
virtual Double_t | GetCalibratedEnergy () const |
KVCalibrator * | GetCalibrator (const Char_t *name, const Char_t *type) const |
KVCalibrator * | GetCalibrator (const Char_t *type) const |
const TVector3 | GetCentreOfEntranceWindow () const |
virtual Double_t | GetCorrectedEnergy (KVNucleus *, Double_t e=-1., Bool_t transmission=kTRUE) |
Double_t | GetCosTheta () const |
virtual Double_t | GetDeltaE (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Einc) |
virtual Double_t | GetDeltaEFromERes (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Eres) |
virtual Double_t | GetDepthInTelescope () const |
virtual KVDetectorSignal * | GetDetectorSignal (const TString &type) const |
Double_t | GetDetectorSignalValue (const TString &type, const KVNameValueList ¶ms="") const |
TVector3 | GetDirection () |
Double_t | GetDistance () const |
virtual Double_t | GetEIncOfMaxDeltaE (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
virtual TF1 * | GetELossFunction (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
virtual Double_t | GetELostByParticle (KVNucleus *, TVector3 *norm=0) |
virtual Double_t | GetEnergy () const |
virtual Double_t | GetEnergyLoss () const |
const KVPosition & | GetEntranceWindow () const |
virtual Double_t | GetEntranceWindowSurfaceArea () |
Return surface area of first layer of detector in cm2. More... | |
virtual Double_t | GetERes (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Einc) |
virtual Double_t | GetEResAfterDetector () const |
virtual TF1 * | GetEResFunction (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
virtual const Char_t * | GetFiredACQParameterListFormatString () const |
Binary8_t | GetFiredBitmask () const |
Double_t | GetGain () const |
virtual TGeoVolume * | GetGeoVolume () |
KVGroup * | GetGroup () const |
UInt_t | GetGroupNumber () |
KVList * | GetHits () const |
Return the list of particles hitting this detector in an event. More... | |
KVList * | GetIDTelescopes () |
virtual Double_t | GetIncidentEnergy (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t delta_e=-1.0, enum SolType type=kEmax) |
virtual Double_t | GetIncidentEnergyFromERes (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Eres) |
virtual Int_t | GetIndex () const |
Double_t | GetInverseDetectorSignalValue (const TString &output, Double_t value, const TString &input, const KVNameValueList ¶ms="") const |
virtual Double_t | GetLinearRange (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Einc) |
KVList * | GetListOfAbsorbers () const |
KVList * | GetListOfCalibrators () const |
const KVSeqCollection & | GetListOfDetectorSignals () const |
const Char_t * | GetMaterialName () const |
virtual Double_t | GetMaxDeltaE (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
const Char_t * | GetNameOfArray () const |
Int_t | GetNHits () const |
Return the number of particles hitting this detector in an event. More... | |
KVGeoDetectorNode * | GetNode () |
Int_t | GetNumberOfAbsorberLayers () const |
KVGeoStrucElement * | GetParentStructure (const Char_t *type, const Char_t *name="") const |
virtual Double_t | GetParticleEIncFromERes (KVNucleus *, TVector3 *norm=0) |
virtual Float_t | GetPedestal (const Char_t *) const |
Access pedestal value associated to parameter with given name. More... | |
Double_t | GetPhi () const |
virtual Double_t | GetPunchThroughEnergy (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
void | GetRandomAngles (Double_t &th, Double_t &ph, Option_t *t="isotropic") |
TVector3 | GetRandomDirection (Option_t *t="isotropic") |
virtual Double_t | GetRange (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Einc) |
virtual TF1 * | GetRangeFunction (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
UShort_t | GetSegment () const |
Double_t | GetSinTheta () const |
virtual Double_t | GetSmallestEmaxValid (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
Double_t | GetSolidAngle () const |
TList * | GetTelescopesForIdentification () |
Double_t | GetTheta () const |
virtual Double_t | GetTotalDeltaE (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t Einc) |
Double_t | GetTotalThicknessInCM () |
virtual void | GetVerticesInOwnFrame (TVector3 *, Double_t, Double_t) |
Bool_t | HasDetectorSignalValue (const TString &type) const |
Bool_t | HasSameStructureAs (const KVDetector *) const |
void | IncrementIdentifiedParticles (Int_t n=1) |
void | IncrementUnidentifiedParticles (Int_t n=1) |
void | init () |
default initialisations More... | |
Bool_t | IsAnalysed () |
Bool_t | IsCalibrated () const |
Bool_t | IsCalibrated (const KVNameValueList ¶ms) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsDetecting () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsOK () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsPresent () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsSimMode () const |
Bool_t | IsSingleLayer () const |
virtual void | Print (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | ReadDefinitionFromFile (const Char_t *) |
virtual void | RemoveCalibrators () |
void | RemoveHit (KVNucleus *part) |
void | RemoveParentStructure (KVGeoStrucElement *elem) |
Bool_t | ReplaceCalibrator (const Char_t *type, KVCalibrator *cal, const KVNameValueList &opts="") |
virtual void | Reset (Option_t *opt="") |
void | ResetAlignedDetectors (UInt_t direction=1) |
virtual void | SetACQParams () |
void | SetActiveLayer (KVMaterial *actif) |
void | SetActiveLayerMatrix (const TGeoHMatrix *) |
void | SetActiveLayerShape (TGeoBBox *) |
Set ROOT geometry shape of active layer volume. More... | |
void | SetAnalysed (Bool_t b=kTRUE) |
void | SetDetecting (Bool_t yes=kTRUE) |
void | SetDetectorSignalValue (const TString &type, Double_t val) const |
virtual void | SetEnergy (Double_t e) const |
virtual void | SetEnergyLoss (Double_t e) const |
void | SetEntranceWindowMatrix (const TGeoHMatrix *) |
Set ROOT geometry global matrix transformation to coordinate frame of entrance window. More... | |
void | SetEntranceWindowShape (TGeoBBox *) |
Set ROOT geometry shape of entrance window. More... | |
virtual void | SetEResAfterDetector (Double_t e) |
virtual void | SetFiredBitmask (KVString &) |
void | SetGain (Double_t gain) |
virtual void | SetMaterial (const Char_t *type) |
void | SetNameOfArray (const TString &n) |
virtual void | SetPedestal (const Char_t *, Float_t) |
Set value of pedestal associated to parameter with given name. More... | |
void | SetPresent (Bool_t yes=kTRUE) |
virtual void | SetSegment (UShort_t s) |
virtual void | SetSimMode (Bool_t on=kTRUE) |
void | SetThickness (Double_t thick) |
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KVMaterial () | |
default ctor More... | |
KVMaterial (const Char_t *gas, const Double_t thick, const Double_t pressure, const Double_t temperature=19.0) | |
KVMaterial (const Char_t *type, const Double_t thick=0.0) | |
Create material with given type and linear thickness in cm. More... | |
KVMaterial (const KVMaterial &) | |
Copy ctor. More... | |
KVMaterial (Double_t area_density, const Char_t *type) | |
Create material with given area density in g/cm**2 and given type. More... | |
virtual | ~ KVMaterial () |
virtual TGeoVolume * | GetAbsGeoVolume () const |
Double_t | GetAreaDensity () const |
Return area density of material in g/cm**2. More... | |
Double_t | GetDensity () const |
Double_t | GetEffectiveAreaDensity (TVector3 &norm, TVector3 &direction) |
Double_t | GetEffectiveThickness (TVector3 &norm, TVector3 &direction) |
virtual Double_t | GetEmaxValid (Int_t Z, Int_t A) |
virtual Double_t | GetEResFromDeltaE (Int_t Z, Int_t A, Double_t dE=-1.0, enum SolType type=kEmax) |
virtual TGeoMedium * | GetGeoMedium (const Char_t *="") |
Double_t | GetMass () const |
Returns atomic mass of material. Will be isotopic mass if set. More... | |
virtual Double_t | GetPressure () const |
virtual Double_t | GetTemperature () const |
virtual Double_t | GetThickness () const |
Double_t | GetZ () const |
Returns atomic number of material. More... | |
void | init () |
Bool_t | IsGas () const |
Returns kTRUE for gaseous materials/detectors. More... | |
Bool_t | IsIsotopic () const |
Bool_t | IsNat () const |
virtual void | SetAbsGeoVolume (TGeoVolume *v) |
void | SetAreaDensity (Double_t dens) |
void | SetMass (Double_t a) |
virtual void | SetPressure (Double_t) |
virtual void | SetTemperature (Double_t) |
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KVBase () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
KVBase (const Char_t *name, const Char_t *title="") | |
Ctor for object with given name and type. More... | |
KVBase (const KVBase &) | |
copy ctor More... | |
virtual | ~ KVBase () |
const Char_t * | GetLabel () const |
UInt_t | GetNumber () const |
UInt_t | GetNumberOfObjects () const |
virtual TObject * | GetObject () const |
const Char_t * | GetType () const |
Bool_t | HasLabel () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsCalled (const Char_t *name) const |
Bool_t | IsLabelled (const Char_t *l) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsType (const Char_t *typ) const |
virtual void | List () |
KVBase & | operator= (const KVBase &) |
copy assignment operator More... | |
Double_t | ProtectedGetX (const TF1 *func, Double_t val, int &status, Double_t xmin=0.0, Double_t xmax=0.0) const |
void | SetLabel (const Char_t *lab) |
virtual void | SetNumber (UInt_t num) |
virtual void | SetType (const Char_t *str) |
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TNamed () | |
TNamed (const char *name, const char *title) | |
TNamed (const TNamed &named) | |
TNamed (const TString &name, const TString &title) | |
virtual | ~TNamed () |
virtual TObject * | Clone (const char *newname="") const |
virtual Int_t | Compare (const TObject *obj) const |
virtual void | FillBuffer (char *&buffer) |
virtual const char * | GetName () const |
virtual const char * | GetTitle () const |
virtual ULong_t | Hash () const |
virtual Bool_t | IsSortable () const |
virtual void | ls (Option_t *option="") const |
TNamed & | operator= (const TNamed &rhs) |
virtual void | SetName (const char *name) |
virtual void | SetNameTitle (const char *name, const char *title) |
virtual void | SetTitle (const char *title="") |
virtual Int_t | Sizeof () const |
![]() | |
TObject () | |
TObject (const TObject &object) | |
virtual | ~TObject () |
void | AbstractMethod (const char *method) const |
virtual void | AppendPad (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | Browse (TBrowser *b) |
ULong_t | CheckedHash () |
virtual const char * | ClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete (Option_t *option="") |
virtual Int_t | DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py) |
virtual void | Draw (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | DrawClass () const |
virtual TObject * | DrawClone (Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | Dump () const |
virtual void | Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual void | Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0) |
virtual void | Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0) |
virtual void | ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) |
virtual void | Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const char *name) const |
virtual TObject * | FindObject (const TObject *obj) const |
virtual Option_t * | GetDrawOption () const |
virtual const char * | GetIconName () const |
virtual char * | GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const |
virtual Option_t * | GetOption () const |
virtual UInt_t | GetUniqueID () const |
virtual Bool_t | HandleTimer (TTimer *timer) |
Bool_t | HasInconsistentHash () const |
virtual void | Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const |
virtual Bool_t | InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const |
virtual void | Inspect () const |
void | InvertBit (UInt_t f) |
virtual Bool_t | IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const |
virtual Bool_t | IsFolder () const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | IsOnHeap () const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | IsZombie () const |
void | MayNotUse (const char *method) const |
virtual Bool_t | Notify () |
void | Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const |
void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
void * | operator new (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new (size_t sz, void *vp) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz) |
void * | operator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp) |
TObject & | operator= (const TObject &rhs) |
virtual void | Paint (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | Pop () |
virtual Int_t | Read (const char *name) |
virtual void | RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj) |
void | ResetBit (UInt_t f) |
virtual void | SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const |
virtual void | SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f) |
void | SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set) |
virtual void | SetDrawOption (Option_t *option="") |
virtual void | SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid) |
virtual void | SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t | TestBit (UInt_t f) const |
Int_t | TestBits (UInt_t f) const |
virtual void | UseCurrentStyle () |
virtual void | Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) |
virtual Int_t | Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const |
![]() | |
KVPosition () | |
KVPosition (Double_t thmin, Double_t thmax, Double_t phmin, Double_t phmax, Double_t dist=0.0) | |
virtual | ~KVPosition () |
Double_t | GetAzimuthalWidth (Double_t phmin=-1., Double_t phimax=-1.) const |
void | GetCornerCoordinates (TVector3 *, Double_t=0) |
void | GetCornerCoordinatesInOwnFrame (TVector3 *, Double_t=0) |
Double_t | GetPhiMax () const |
Double_t | GetPhiMin () const |
TRotation | GetRandomIsotropicRotation () |
Double_t | GetThetaMax () const |
Double_t | GetThetaMin () const |
void | GetWidthsFromDimension (Double_t lin_dim) |
void | init () |
default initialiser More... | |
Bool_t | IsAlignedWith (KVPosition *pos) |
kTRUE if one of the two solid angle elements is completely contained within the other. More... | |
Bool_t | IsAzimuthallyWiderThan (KVPosition *pos) |
Bool_t | IsInPhiRange (const Double_t phi) |
Bool_t | IsInPolarRange (const Double_t theta) |
kTRUE if given angle theta is within the polar range of this solid angle element More... | |
Bool_t | IsOverlappingWith (KVPosition *pos) |
kTRUE if there is at least partial overlap between two solid angle elements More... | |
Bool_t | IsSmallerThan (KVPosition *pos) |
kTRUE if "this" is entirely contained within "pos" More... | |
Bool_t | ROOTGeo () const |
Returns kTRUE if ROOT geometry is used, kFALSE if not. More... | |
virtual void | SetAzimuthalAngle (Double_t ph) |
virtual void | SetAzimuthalMinMax (Double_t min, Double_t max) |
Set min and max azimuthal angles and calculate (mean) phi. More... | |
virtual void | SetAzimuthalWidth (Double_t aw) |
void | SetDistance (Double_t d) |
void | SetPhi (Double_t p) |
void | SetPhiMinMax (Double_t min, Double_t max) |
virtual void | SetPolarAngle (Double_t th) |
virtual void | SetPolarMinMax (Double_t min, Double_t max) |
Set min and max polar angles and calculate (mean) theta. More... | |
virtual void | SetPolarWidth (Double_t pw) |
void | SetTheta (Double_t t) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static KVDetector * | MakeDetector (const Char_t *name, Float_t thick) |
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static KVIonRangeTable * | ChangeRangeTable (const Char_t *name) |
static KVIonRangeTable * | GetRangeTable () |
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static Bool_t | AreEqual (Double_t x, Double_t y, Long64_t maxdif=1) |
Comparison between two 64-bit floating-point values. More... | |
static void | BackupFileWithDate (const Char_t *path) |
static void | CombineFiles (const Char_t *file1, const Char_t *file2, const Char_t *newfilename, Bool_t keep=kTRUE) |
static void | Deprecated (const char *method, const char *advice) |
static Bool_t | FindClassSourceFiles (const Char_t *class_name, KVString &imp_file, KVString &dec_file, const Char_t *dir_name=".") |
static Bool_t | FindExecutable (TString &exec, const Char_t *path="$(PATH)") |
static const Char_t * | FindFile (const Char_t *search, TString &wfil) |
static const Char_t * | GetBINDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetDATABASEFilePath () |
static const Char_t * | GetDATADIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static Bool_t | GetDataSetEnv (const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, Bool_t defval) |
static const Char_t * | GetDataSetEnv (const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, const Char_t *defval) |
static Double_t | GetDataSetEnv (const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, Double_t defval) |
static const Char_t * | GetETCDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetExampleFilePath (const Char_t *library, const Char_t *namefile) |
Return full path to example file for given library (="KVMultiDet", "BackTrack", etc.) More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetINCDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildDate () |
Returns KaliVeda build date. More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildDir () |
Returns top-level directory used for build. More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildTime () |
Returns KaliVeda build date. More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildType () |
Returns KaliVeda build type (cmake build: Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, ...) More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetKVBuildUser () |
Returns username of person who performed build. More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetKVSourceDir () |
Returns top-level directory of source tree used for build. More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetKVVersion () |
Returns KaliVeda version string. More... | |
static const Char_t * | GetLIBDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetListOfPlugins (const Char_t *base) |
static const Char_t * | GetListOfPluginURIs (const Char_t *base) |
static const Char_t * | GetPluginURI (const Char_t *base, const Char_t *plugin) |
static void | GetTempFileName (TString &base) |
static const Char_t * | GetTEMPLATEDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | GetWORKDIRFilePath (const Char_t *namefile="") |
static const Char_t * | gitBranch () |
Returns git branch of sources. More... | |
static const Char_t * | gitCommit () |
Returns last git commit of sources. More... | |
static void | InitEnvironment () |
static bool | is_gnuinstall () |
static Bool_t | IsThisAPlugin (const TString &uri, TString &base) |
static TPluginHandler * | LoadPlugin (const Char_t *base, const Char_t *uri="0") |
static Bool_t | OpenContextMenu (const char *method, TObject *obj, const char *alt_method_name="") |
static void | OpenTempFile (TString &base, std::ofstream &fp) |
static void | PrintSplashScreen () |
Prints welcome message and infos on version etc. More... | |
static Bool_t | SearchAndOpenKVFile (const Char_t *name, std::ifstream &file, const Char_t *kvsubdir="", KVLockfile *locks=0) |
static Bool_t | SearchAndOpenKVFile (const Char_t *name, std::ofstream &file, const Char_t *kvsubdir="", KVLockfile *locks=0) |
static Bool_t | SearchKVFile (const Char_t *name, TString &fullpath, const Char_t *kvsubdir="") |
static const Char_t * | WorkingDirectory () |
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static Longptr_t | GetDtorOnly () |
static Bool_t | GetObjectStat () |
static void | SetDtorOnly (void *obj) |
static void | SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat) |
Protected Member Functions | |
Double_t | ELossActive (Double_t *x, Double_t *par) |
Double_t | EResDet (Double_t *x, Double_t *par) |
Double_t | RangeDet (Double_t *x, Double_t *par) |
void | SetKVDetectorFiredACQParameterListFormatString () |
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virtual void | DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const |
void | MakeZombie () |
Protected Attributes | |
KVList * | fAbsorbers |
list of absorbers making up the detector More... | |
KVList * | fACQParams |
list of raw data parameters read from coders More... | |
TList * | fAlignedDetectors [2] |
stores lists of aligned detectors in both directions More... | |
KVList * | fCalibrators |
list of associated calibrator objects More... | |
Int_t | fCalWarning |
just a counter so that missing calibrator warning is given only once More... | |
Double_t | fDepthInTelescope |
used to store depth of detector in parent telescope More... | |
Bool_t | fDetecting |
=kTRUE if detector is "detecting", =kFALSE if not More... | |
TF1 * | fELossF |
parametric function dE in active layer vs. incident energy More... | |
TF1 * | fEResF |
parametric function Eres residual energy after all layers of detector More... | |
Double_t | fEResforEinc |
used by GetIncidentEnergy & GetCorrectedEnergy More... | |
Binary8_t | fFiredMask |
bitmask used by Fired to determine which parameters to take into account More... | |
TString | fFName |
dynamically generated full name of detector More... | |
Double_t | fGain |
gain of amplifier More... | |
KVList * | fParticles |
list of particles hitting detector in an event More... | |
Bool_t | fPresent |
=kTRUE if detector is present, =kFALSE if it has been removed More... | |
TF1 * | fRangeF |
parametric function range of particles in detector More... | |
UShort_t | fSegment |
used in particle reconstruction More... | |
Bool_t | fSimMode |
=kTRUE when using to simulate detector response, =kFALSE when analysing data More... | |
Bool_t | fSingleLayer |
=kTRUE if detector has a single absorber layer More... | |
Double_t | fTotThickness |
used to store value calculated by GetTotalThicknessInCM More... | |
![]() | |
TGeoVolume * | fAbsorberVolume |
pointer to corresponding volume in ROOT geometry More... | |
![]() | |
TString | fLabel |
label for the object More... | |
![]() | |
TString | fName |
TString | fTitle |
![]() | |
kOnlyPrepStep | |
Private Types | |
enum | { kIsAnalysed = BIT(14) , kActiveSet = BIT(15) , kUnidentifiedParticle = BIT(16) , kIdentifiedParticle = BIT(17) } |
Private Member Functions | |
TGeoHMatrix * | GetMatrix () const |
Double_t | GetMisalignmentAngle () const |
TVector3 | GetRandomPointOnSurface () const |
TGeoBBox * | GetShape () const |
Double_t | GetSurfaceArea (int npoints=100000) const |
TVector3 | GetSurfaceCentre () const |
TVector3 | GetSurfaceNormal () const |
TVector3 | GetVolumeCentre () const |
void | remove_signal_for_calibrator (KVCalibrator *K) |
void | SetMatrix (const TGeoHMatrix *m) |
void | SetShape (TGeoBBox *s) |
Private Attributes | |
KVMaterial * | fActiveLayer |
The active absorber in the detector. More... | |
KVUniqueNameList | fDetSignals |
list of signals associated with detector More... | |
KVPosition | fEWPosition |
position of entrance window i.e. first volume in detector geometry More... | |
Int_t | fIdentP |
temporary counters, determine state of identified/unidentified particle flags More... | |
KVList * | fIDTelAlign |
list of ID telescopes made of this detector and all aligned detectors placed in front of it More... | |
TList * | fIDTele4Ident |
list of ID telescopes used for particle ID More... | |
KVList * | fIDTelescopes |
list of ID telescopes to which detector belongs More... | |
TString | fKVDetectorFiredACQParameterListFormatString |
TString | fNameOfArray |
name of multidetector array this detector is part of More... | |
KVGeoDetectorNode | fNode |
positioning information relative to other detectors More... | |
KVUniqueNameList | fParentStrucList |
list of geometry structures which directly contain this detector More... | |
Int_t | fUnidentP |
temporary counters, determine state of identified/unidentified particle flags More... | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static Int_t | fDetCounter = 0 |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | SolType { kEmax , kEmin } |
![]() | |
enum | EKaliVedaBits { kIsKaliVedaObject = BIT(23) } |
![]() | |
enum | EDeprecatedStatusBits |
enum | EStatusBits |
![]() | |
kBitMask | |
kCanDelete | |
kCannotPick | |
kHasUUID | |
kInconsistent | |
kInvalidObject | |
kIsOnHeap | |
kIsReferenced | |
kMustCleanup | |
kNoContextMenu | |
kNotDeleted | |
kObjInCanvas | |
kOverwrite | |
kSingleKey | |
kWriteDelete | |
kZombie | |
![]() | |
static KVIonRangeTable * | fIonRangeTable = 0x0 |
pointer to class used to calculate charged particle ranges & energy losses More... | |
#include <KVDetector.h>
private |
Enumerator | |
kIsAnalysed | |
kActiveSet | |
kUnidentifiedParticle | |
kIdentifiedParticle |
Definition at line 134 of file KVDetector.h.
KVDetector::KVDetector | ( | ) |
default ctor
Definition at line 104 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Create a new detector of a given material and thickness in centimetres (default value = 0.0)
Definition at line 117 of file KVDetector.cpp.
KVDetector::KVDetector | ( | const KVDetector & | obj | ) |
copy ctor
Definition at line 134 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
void KVDetector::AddAbsorber | ( | KVMaterial * | mat | ) |
Add a layer of absorber material to the detector By default, the first layer added is set as the "Active" layer. Call SetActiveLayer to change this.
Definition at line 753 of file KVDetector.cpp.
void KVDetector::AddACQParam | ( | KVACQParam * | par | ) |
Add given acquisition parameter to this detector.
Definition at line 627 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Bool_t KVDetector::AddCalibrator | ( | KVCalibrator * | cal, |
const KVNameValueList & | opts = "" |
) |
Associate a calibration with this detector (the object will be deleted by the detector)
This will add a new signal to the list of the detector's signals
Also sets calibrator's name to [detname]_[caltype]
If the input signal required by the calibrator is not defined for the detector, this method returns kFALSE and the calibrator will be deleted.
The (optional) KVNameValueList argument can be used to pass any extra parameters/options. For example, if it contains a parameter ZRange
then the calibrator will be handled by a KVZDependentCalibratedSignal (handles several calibrators which provide the same output signal, each one is used for a specific range of atomic numbers)
Definition at line 510 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Add KVDetectorSignal object to list of detector's signals. Object ownership is taken over by the detector, i.e. will be deleted by the detector
Definition at line 736 of file KVDetector.h.
Add a new KVDetectorSignalExpression to this detector:
'type' will be the name of the new signal.
'_expr' is a mathematical expression using any of the known signals of the detector.
If the expression is not valid, no signal will be created and method returns kFALSE.
Definition at line 2380 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Add to the list of particles hitting this detector in an event
Definition at line 374 of file KVDetector.h.
Add ID telescope to list of telescopes to which detector belongs.
Definition at line 861 of file KVDetector.cpp.
void KVDetector::AddParentStructure | ( | KVGeoStrucElement * | elem | ) |
Definition at line 2195 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
Construct and position a TGeoVolume shape to represent this detector in the current geometry managed by gGeoManager.
Adding the detector to the geometry requires:
gGeoManager must point to current instance of geometry manager.
Definition at line 1442 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 502 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 498 of file KVDetector.h.
Set energy loss(es) etc. to zero If opt="N" we do not reset acquisition parameters/raw detector signals
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Reimplemented in KVFAZIADetector.
Definition at line 713 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
clear the list of particles hitting this detector in an event
Definition at line 399 of file KVDetector.h.
copy 'this' to 'obj' The structure of the detector is copied, with new cloned objects for each absorber layer. The active layer is set in the new detector.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Reimplemented in KVFAZIADetector.
Definition at line 155 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in KVSilicon, KVCsI, and KVChIo.
Definition at line 634 of file KVDetector.h.
Calculate the energy loss of a charged particle traversing the detector, the particle is slowed down, it is added to the list of all particles hitting the detector. The apparent energy loss of the particle in the active layer of the detector is set. Do nothing if particle has zero (or -ve) energy.
If the optional argument 'norm' is given, it is supposed to be a vector normal to the detector, oriented from the origin towards the detector. In this case the effective thicknesses of the detector's absorbers 'seen' by the particle depending on its direction of motion is used for the calculation.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 232 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
Creates and fills a TGraph with the punch through energy in MeV vs. Z for the given detector, for Z=1-92. The mass of each nucleus is calculated according to the given mass formula (see KVNucleus).
Definition at line 2129 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
Creates and fills a TGraph with the punch through energy in MeV/nucleon vs. Z for the given detector, for Z=1-92. The mass of each nucleus is calculated according to the given mass formula (see KVNucleus).
Definition at line 2154 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Calculates energy loss (in MeV) in active layer of detector, taking into account preceding layers
Arguments are: x[0] is incident energy in MeV Parameters are: par[0] Z of ion par[1] A of ion
Definition at line 1119 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Calculates residual energy (in MeV) of particle after traversing all layers of detector. Returned value is -1000 if particle stops in one of the layers of the detector.
Arguments are: x[0] is incident energy in MeV Parameters are: par[0] Z of ion par[1] A of ion
Definition at line 1213 of file KVDetector.cpp.
For particles which stop in the first stage of an identification telescope, we can at least estimate a minimum Z value based on the energy lost in this detector.
This is based on the KVMaterial::GetMaxDeltaE method, giving the maximum energy loss in the active layer of the detector for a given nucleus (A,Z).
The "Zmin" is the Z of the particle which gives a maximum energy loss just greater than that measured in the detector. Particles with Z<Zmin could not lose as much energy and so are excluded.
If ELOSS is not given, we use the current value of GetEnergy() Use 'mass_formula' to change the formula used to calculate the A of the nucleus from its Z. Default is valley of stability value. (see KVNucleus::GetAFromZ).
If the value of ELOSS or GetEnergy() is <=0 we return Zmin=0
Definition at line 1045 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Returns kTRUE if detector was hit (fired) in an event
The actual meaning of hit/fired depends on the context and the option string opt.
If the detector is in "simulation mode", i.e. if SetSimMode(kTRUE) has been called, this method returns kTRUE if the calculated energy loss in the active layer is > 0.
In "experimental mode" (i.e. IsSimMode() returns kFALSE), depending on the option:
opt="any" (default): Returns true if ANY* of the working acquisition parameters associated with the detector were fired in an event opt="all" : Returns true if ALL* of the working acquisition parameters associated with the detector were fired in an event opt="Pany" : Returns true if ANY* of the working acquisition parameters associated with the detector were fired in an event and have a value greater than their pedestal value opt="Pall" : Returns true if ALL* of the working acquisition parameters associated with the detector were fired in an event and have a value greater than their pedestal value
*the actual parameters taken into account can be fine tuned using environment variables such as [classname].Fired.ACQParameterList.[type]: PG,GG,T where [classname]=KVDetector by default, or the name of some class derived from KVDetector which calls the method KVDetector::SetKVDetectorFiredACQParameterListFormatString() in its constructor. See KVDetector::SetFiredBitmask() for more details.
"all" considered parameters fired if ok == mask "any" considered parameters fired if ok != 0
Reimplemented in KVFAZIADetector.
Definition at line 796 of file KVDetector.h.
opt="any" : Returns true if ANY* of the working acquisition parameters associated with the detector were fired in an event and have a value greater than their pedestal value opt="all" : Returns true if ALL* of the working acquisition parameters associated with the detector were fired in an event and have a value greater than their pedestal value
*the actual parameters taken into account can be fine tuned using environment variables such as [classname].Fired.ACQParameterList.[type]: PG,GG,T where [classname]=KVDetector by default, or the name of some class derived from KVDetector which calls the method KVDetector::SetKVDetectorFiredACQParameterListFormatString() in its constructor. See KVDetector::SetFiredBitmask() for more details.
"all" considered parameters fired if ok == mask "any" considered parameters fired if ok != 0
Definition at line 847 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return absorber with given name
Definition at line 255 of file KVDetector.h.
KVMaterial * KVDetector::GetAbsorber | ( | Int_t | i | ) | const |
Returns pointer to the i-th absorber in the detector (i=0 first absorber, i=1 second, etc.)
Definition at line 769 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Access acquisition data value associated to parameter with given name. Returns value as a floating-point number which is the raw channel number read from the coder plus a random number in the range [-0.5,+0.5]. If the detector has no DAQ parameter of the given type, or if the raw channel number = 0, the value returned is -1.
Definition at line 666 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
Look for acquisition parameter with given name in list of parameters associated with this detector.
Reimplemented in KVINDRADetector.
Definition at line 646 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 342 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
Get pointer to the "active" layer in the detector, i.e. the one in which energy losses are measured
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 249 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return coordinate transformation matrix to active layer
Definition at line 529 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return geometry of active layer
Definition at line 524 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return centre of entrance surface of active layer [this is NOT necessarily the same as the entrance window]
Definition at line 513 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return centre of the active layer volume
Definition at line 519 of file KVDetector.h.
Returns list of detectors (including this one) which are in geometrical aligment with respect to the target position (assuming this detector is part of a multidetector array described by KVMultiDetArray).
By default the list is in the order starting from this detector and going towards the target (direction=KVGroup::kBackwards). Call with argument direction=KVGroup::kForwards to have the list of detectors in the order "seen" by a particle flying out from the target and arriving in this detector.
If this detector is not part of a KVMultiDetArray (i.e. we have no information on its geometrical relation to other detectors), we return 0x0.
The list pointers are stored in member variable fAlignedDetectors[] for rapid retrieval, the lists will be deleted with this detector.
See KVGroup::GetAlignedDetectors for more details.
Definition at line 2038 of file KVDetector.cpp.
KVList * KVDetector::GetAlignedIDTelescopes | ( | ) |
Return list of all ID telescopes containing detectors placed in front of this one. temporary kludge during transition to trajectory-based reconstruction ROOT-geometry-based detectors will not have fIDTelAlign filled
Definition at line 875 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
This method is called by KVASMultiDetArray::MakeListOfDetectors after the array geometry has been defined (i.e. all detectors have been placed in the array). The string returned by this method is used to set the name of the detector.
Override this method in child classes in order to define a naming convention for specific detectors of the array.
By default we return the same name as KVDetector::GetName
Reimplemented in KVSiLi, KVSi75, KVPhoswich, and KVINDRADetector.
Definition at line 471 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Calculates & returns value of given acquisition parameter corresponding to given calculated energy loss in the detector Returns -1 if detector is not calibrated
This method should be redefined in child classes i.e. for specific detector implementations: this version just returns -1.
Reimplemented in KVSilicon, and KVChIo.
Definition at line 544 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns energy loss in detector calculated using available calibration(s)
Definition at line 303 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 757 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 765 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
This method does exactly the same as the method in previous versions of KaliVeda: it returns the vector position of the centre of the surface (entrance) of the "entrance window" of the detector i.e. the first volume encountered
Definition at line 653 of file KVDetector.h.
virtual |
Returns the total energy loss in the detector for a given nucleus including inactive absorber layers. e = energy loss in active layer (if not given, we use current value) transmission = kTRUE (default): the particle is assumed to emerge with a non-zero residual energy Eres after the detector. = kFALSE: the particle is assumed to stop in the detector.
WARNING: if transmission=kTRUE, and if the residual energy after the detector is known (i.e. measured in a detector placed after this one), you should first call SetEResAfterDetector(Eres); before calling this method. Otherwise, especially for heavy ions, the correction may be false for particles which are just above the punch-through energy.
WARNING 2: if measured energy loss in detector active layer is greater than maximum possible theoretical value for given nucleus' Z & A, this may be because the A was not measured but calculated from Z and hence could be false, or perhaps there was an (undetected) pile-up of two or more particles in the detector. In this case we return the uncorrected energy measured in the active layer and we add the following parameters to the particle (in nuc->GetParameters()):
GetCorrectedEnergy.Warning = 1 GetCorrectedEnergy.Detector = [name] GetCorrectedEnergy.MeasuredDE = [value] GetCorrectedEnergy.MaxDE = [value] GetCorrectedEnergy.Transmission = 0 or 1 GetCorrectedEnergy.ERES = [value]
Reimplemented in KVCsI.
Definition at line 949 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
cosinus of polar angle corresponding to centre of entrance window of detector
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 702 of file KVDetector.h.
Overrides KVMaterial::GetDeltaE Returns energy loss of given nucleus in the active layer of the detector. optimization for single-layer detectors
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Reimplemented in KVSilicon.
Definition at line 1733 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Overrides KVMaterial::GetDeltaEFromERes
Calculate energy loss in active layer of detGetAlignedDetector for nucleus (Z,A) having a residual kinetic energy Eres (MeV)
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 1877 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 269 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
Return the signal with given type, if defined for this detector If signal not defined, returns nullptr.
Reimplemented in KVCsI.
Definition at line 463 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return value of signal of given type associated with detector
Some signals require the necessary calibrators to be present & initialised
Any additional parameters which are required can be passed as a string of "param1=value,param2=value,..." parameter/value pairs.
If the signal is not available, returns 0.
Definition at line 426 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns a unit vector corresponding to the direction of fTheta, fPhi i.e. the centre of the solid angle element.
direction corresponding to centre of entrance window
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 678 of file KVDetector.h.
distance from target [cm] to entrance window of detector
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 684 of file KVDetector.h.
Overrides KVMaterial::GetEIncOfMaxDeltaE Returns incident energy corresponding to maximum energy loss in the active layer of the detector, for a given nucleus.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 1701 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Return pointer to TF1 giving energy loss in active layer of detector as function of incident energy, for a given nucleus (Z,A). The TF1::fNpx parameter is taken from environment variable KVDetector.EnergyLoss.Npx
Reimplemented in KVSilicon.
Definition at line 1677 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Calculate the total energy loss of a charged particle traversing the detector. This does not affect the "stored" energy loss value of the detector, nor its ACQData, nor the energy of the particle.
If the optional argument 'norm' is given, it is supposed to be a vector normal to the detector, oriented from the origin towards the detector. In this case the effective thicknesses of the detector's absorbers 'seen' by the particle depending on its direction of motion is used for the calculation.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 305 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Returns either the calibrated energy loss measured in the active layer of the detector, or (if IsSimMode()==kTRUE) the simulated energy losses
Reimplemented in KVPhoswich.
Definition at line 308 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 328 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Returns KVPosition object corresponding to the entrance window volume i.e. the first volume encountered in the detector
Definition at line 647 of file KVDetector.h.
virtual |
Return surface area of first layer of detector in cm2.
Definition at line 1565 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Overrides KVMaterial::GetERes Returns residual energy of given nucleus after the detector. Returns 0 if Einc<=0
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 1766 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 580 of file KVDetector.h.
Return pointer toTF1 giving residual energy after detector as function of incident energy, for a given nucleus (Z,A). The TF1::fNpx parameter is taken from environment variable KVDetector.ResidualEnergy.Npx
Definition at line 1627 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 540 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 536 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 789 of file KVDetector.h.
virtual |
Construct a TGeoVolume shape to represent this detector in the current geometry managed by gGeoManager.
Making the volume requires:
If the detector is composed of a single absorber, we do not create a superfluous "mother" volume.
gGeoManager must point to current instance of geometry manager.
Definition at line 1349 of file KVDetector.cpp.
KVGroup * KVDetector::GetGroup | ( | ) | const |
Definition at line 2177 of file KVDetector.cpp.
UInt_t KVDetector::GetGroupNumber | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2186 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Return the list of particles hitting this detector in an event.
Definition at line 395 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return list of IDTelescopes to which detector belongs
Definition at line 478 of file KVDetector.h.
virtual |
Overrides KVMaterial::GetIncidentEnergy Returns incident energy corresponding to energy loss delta_e in active layer of detector for a given nucleus. If delta_e is not given, the current energy loss in the active layer is used.
By default the solution corresponding to the highest incident energy is returned This is the solution found for Einc greater than the maximum of the dE(Einc) curve. If you want the low energy solution set SolType = KVIonRangeTable::kEmin.
WARNING: calculating the incident energy of a particle using only the dE in a detector is ambiguous, as in general (and especially for very heavy ions) the maximum of the dE curve occurs for Einc greater than the punch-through energy, therefore it is not always true to assume that if the particle does not stop in the detector the required solution is that for type=KVIonRangeTable::kEmax. For a range of energies between punch-through and dE_max, the required solution is still that for type=KVIonRangeTable::kEmin. If the residual energy of the particle is unknown, there is no way to know which is the correct solution.
WARNING 2 If the given energy loss in the active layer is greater than the maximum theoretical dE for given Z & A, (dE > GetMaxDeltaE(Z,A)) then we return a NEGATIVE incident energy corresponding to the maximum, GetEIncOfMaxDeltaE(Z,A)
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 1805 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Overrides KVMaterial::GetIncidentEnergyFromERes
Calculate incident energy of nucleus from residual energy.
Returns -1 if Eres is out of defined range of values
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 1899 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Return a numerical identifier for the detector
Can be overridden in specialised detector classes
Reimplemented in KVINDRADetector, and KVFAZIADetector.
Definition at line 745 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Calculate the value of the input signal for a given value of the output signal.
This uses the inverse calibrations of all intermediate calibrators.
Any additional parameters which are required can be passed as a string of "param1=value,param2=value,..." parameter/value pairs.
If the output signal is not defined, or if input & output are not related, this returns 0.
Definition at line 448 of file KVDetector.h.
Returns range of ion in centimetres in this detector, taking into account all layers. Note that for Einc > punch through energy, this range is no longer correct (but still > total thickness of detector).
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 2094 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 260 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 355 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 732 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 290 of file KVDetector.h.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 155 of file KVDetector.h.
Overrides KVMaterial::GetMaxDeltaE Returns maximum energy loss in the active layer of the detector, for a given nucleus.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 1717 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Return angle (in deg.) between the vector from the target to the volume centre and the normal to the volume surface
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 183 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return name of multidetector array this detector belongs to
Definition at line 726 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Return the number of particles hitting this detector in an event.
Definition at line 405 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 285 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Definition at line 264 of file KVDetector.h.
KVGeoStrucElement * KVDetector::GetParentStructure | ( | const Char_t * | type, |
const Char_t * | name = "" |
) | const |
Get parent geometry structure element of given type. Give unique name of structure if more than one element of same type is possible.
Definition at line 2215 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Calculate the energy of particle 'kvn' before its passage through the detector, based on the current kinetic energy, Z & A of nucleus 'kvn', supposed to be after passing through the detector.
If the optional argument 'norm' is given, it is supposed to be a vector normal to the detector, oriented from the origin towards the detector. In this case the effective thicknesses of the detector's absorbers 'seen' by the particle depending on its direction of motion is used for the calculation.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 357 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Access pedestal value associated to parameter with given name.
Definition at line 683 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
azimuthal angle [deg.] corresponding to centre of entrance window of detector
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 708 of file KVDetector.h.
Returns energy (in MeV) necessary for ion (Z,A) to punch through all layers of this detector
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 2109 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
Set th and ph to random values between the max and min limits defining the solid angle element. Depending on the optional option string, the direction is either drawn at "random" among the corresponding angles, or "isotropic". By default, the direction is "isotropic".
random angles [deg.] corresponding to point on entrance window
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 672 of file KVDetector.h.
Returns a unit vector in a random direction corresponding to this detector. Depending on the optional option string, the direction is either drawn at "random" among the corresponding angles, or "isotropic". By default, the direction is "isotropic".
random direction corresponding to point on entrance window
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 666 of file KVDetector.h.
inlineprivatevirtual |
It is assumed that the volume was defined in such a way that the entrance window corresponds to the facet in the X-Y plane placed at -dZ.
NOTE: we force the use of TGeoBBox::GetPointsOnFacet. For TGeoArb8, the method has been overridden and does nothing. We use the TGeoBBox method, and then use TGeoShape::Contains to check that the point does actually correspond to the TGeoArb8.
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 163 of file KVDetector.h.
WARNING: SAME AS KVDetector::GetLinearRange Only linear range in centimetres is calculated for detectors!
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 2079 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Return pointer toTF1 giving range (in centimetres) in detector as function of incident energy, for a given nucleus (Z,A). The TF1::fNpx parameter is taken from environment variable KVDetector.Range.Npx
Definition at line 1652 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
used in reconstruction of particles
Definition at line 772 of file KVDetector.h.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 159 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
sinus of polar angle corresponding to centre of entrance window of detector
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 696 of file KVDetector.h.
Returns the smallest maximum energy for which range tables are valid for all absorbers in the detector, and given ion (Z,A)
Definition at line 1924 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Return values of the solid angle (in msr) seen by the geometric ensemble For simple geometries defined by theta_min/max etc., this is exact. For ROOT geometries we calculate the area of the entrance window and divide it by the square of the distance to the detector.
Return solid angle [msr] corresponding to the entrance window of the detector
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 660 of file KVDetector.h.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Monte Carlo calculation of entrance surface area for TGeoArb8 shapes Area is calculated as area of bounding box facet multiplied by the ratio between number of random points actually on the shape surface to the number of points npoints generated over the surface of the bounding box facet
npoints is the number of points to test
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 179 of file KVDetector.h.
inlineprivatevirtual |
It is assumed that the volume was defined in such a way that the entrance surface corresponds to the facet in the X-Y plane placed at -dZ.
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 167 of file KVDetector.h.
inlineprivatevirtual |
It is assumed that the volume was defined in such a way that the entrance surface corresponds to the facet in the X-Y plane placed at -dZ.
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 175 of file KVDetector.h.
TList * KVDetector::GetTelescopesForIdentification | ( | ) |
Returns list of identification telescopes to be used in order to try to identify particles stopping in this detector. This is the same as GetAlignedIDTelescopes but only including the telescopes of which this detector is a member.
Definition at line 900 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
polar angle [deg.] corresponding to centre of entrance window of detector
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 690 of file KVDetector.h.
Returns calculated total energy loss of ion in ALL layers of the detector. This is just (Einc - GetERes(Z,A,Einc))
Definition at line 1751 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Calculate and return the total thickness in centimetres of ALL absorbers making up the detector, not just the active layer (value returned by GetThickness()).
Definition at line 274 of file KVDetector.h.
virtual |
This will fill the array corners[8] with the coordinates of the vertices of the front (corners[0],...,corners[3]) & back (corners[4],...,corners[7]) sides of the volume representing either a single absorber or the whole detector.
depth = depth of detector/absorber inside the KVTelescope it belongs to (in centimetres) layer_thickness = thickness of absorber/detector (in centimetres)
Positioning information is taken from the KVTelescope to which this detector belongs; if this is not the case, nothing will be done. relative distance to back of detector
Definition at line 1304 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 171 of file KVDetector.h.
Return kTRUE if signal with given type is defind for detector
Definition at line 470 of file KVDetector.h.
Bool_t KVDetector::HasSameStructureAs | ( | const KVDetector * | other | ) | const |
Return kTRUE if the two detectors have the same internal structure, i.e.
Definition at line 2348 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Definition at line 492 of file KVDetector.h.
Definition at line 486 of file KVDetector.h.
default initialisations
Definition at line 41 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 412 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
A detector is considered to be calibrated if it has a signal "Energy" available
Definition at line 359 of file KVDetector.h.
Bool_t KVDetector::IsCalibrated | ( | const KVNameValueList & | params | ) | const |
A detector is considered to be calibrated if it has a signal "Energy" available and if depending on the supplied parameters this signal can be calculated
Definition at line 612 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlinevirtual |
return if the detector is ready to detect or not
Definition at line 618 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
return kTRUE if detector is here and working
Definition at line 628 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
return the presence or not of the detector
Definition at line 609 of file KVDetector.h.
inlinevirtual |
Returns simulation mode of detector: IsSimMode()=kTRUE : we are in simulation mode (calculation of energy losses etc.) IsSimMode()=kFALSE: we are analysing/reconstruction experimental data Changes behaviour of Fired(): in simulation mode, Fired() returns kTRUE whenever the energy loss in the active layer is >0
Definition at line 599 of file KVDetector.h.
inline |
Returns kTRUE for detectors with a single absorber layer
Definition at line 716 of file KVDetector.h.
static |
Static function which will create an instance of the KVDetector-derived class corresponding to 'name' These are defined as 'Plugin' objects in the file $KVROOT/KVFiles/.kvrootrc : [name_of_dataset].detector_type detector_type To use the dataset-dependent plugin, call this method with name = "[name_of_dataset].detector_type" If not, the default plugin will be used first we check if there is a special plugin for the DataSet if not we take the default one
'thickness' is passed as argument to the constructor for the detector plugin check and load plugin library
Definition at line 1254 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Print info on this detector if option="data" the energy loss and coder channel data are displayed
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Reimplemented in KVCsI.
Definition at line 393 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Calculates range (in centimetres) of ions in detector as a function of incident energy (in MeV), taking into account all layers of the detector.
Arguments are: x[0] = incident energy in MeV Parameters are: par[0] = Z of ion par[1] = A of ion
Definition at line 1157 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Create detector from text file in 'TEnv' format.
Layer: Gold Gold.Material: Au Gold.AreaDensity: 200.*KVUnits::ug +Layer: Gas1 Gas1.Material: C3F8 Gas1.Thickness: 5.*KVUnitscm Gas1.Pressure: 50.*KVUnits::mbar Gas1.Active: yes +Layer: Si1 Si1.Material: Si Si1.Thickness: 300.*KVUnitsum
Definition at line 1961 of file KVDetector.cpp.
private |
Used when a calibrator object is removed or replaced We remove and delete the corresponding output signal from the list of detector signals
Definition at line 816 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
Removes all calibrations associated to this detector: in other words, we delete all the KVCalibrator objects in list fCalibrators.
We also destroy all signals provided by these calibrators
Reimplemented in KVCsI.
Definition at line 838 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Remove from list of particles hitting this detector in an event
Definition at line 386 of file KVDetector.h.
void KVDetector::RemoveParentStructure | ( | KVGeoStrucElement * | elem | ) |
Definition at line 2204 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Bool_t KVDetector::ReplaceCalibrator | ( | const Char_t * | type, |
KVCalibrator * | cal, | ||
const KVNameValueList & | opts = "" |
) |
Replace calibrator of given type with the given calibrator object The calibrator object should not be shared with any other detectors: it now belongs to this detector, which will delete it when necessary. If an exising calibrator with the same type is already defined, it will be deleted and removed from the detector's calibrator list
Returns kFALSE in case of problems.
The (optional) KVNameValueList argument can be used to pass any extra parameters/options.
Definition at line 584 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Definition at line 368 of file KVDetector.h.
Definition at line 2067 of file KVDetector.cpp.
virtual |
Attribute acquisition parameters to this detector. This method does nothing; it should be overridden in child classes to attribute parameters specific to each detector.
Reimplemented in KVSilicon, KVPhoswich, KVCsI, and KVChIo.
Definition at line 802 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 244 of file KVDetector.h.
void KVDetector::SetActiveLayerMatrix | ( | const TGeoHMatrix * | m | ) |
Definition at line 2257 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Set ROOT geometry shape of active layer volume.
Definition at line 2268 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Definition at line 416 of file KVDetector.h.
Definition at line 623 of file KVDetector.h.
Set value of signal of given type associated with detector Only to be used with raw detector signals (i.e. not expressions, not calibrated signals)
Definition at line 440 of file KVDetector.h.
Set value of energy lost in active layer
Reimplemented in KVPhoswich.
Definition at line 320 of file KVDetector.h.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 332 of file KVDetector.h.
void KVDetector::SetEntranceWindowMatrix | ( | const TGeoHMatrix * | m | ) |
Set ROOT geometry global matrix transformation to coordinate frame of entrance window.
Definition at line 2279 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Set ROOT geometry shape of entrance window.
Definition at line 2290 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Definition at line 576 of file KVDetector.h.
Set bitmask used to determine which acquisition parameters are taken into account by KVDetector::Fired based on the environment variables [dataset].KVACQParam.[par name].Working: NO [dataset].[classname].Fired.ACQParameterList.[type]: PG,GG,T where [classname]=KVDetector by default, or the name of some class derived from KVDetector which calls the method KVDetector::SetKVDetectorFiredACQParameterListFormatString() in its constructor. The first allows to define certain acquisition parameters as not functioning; they will not be taken into account. The second allows to "fine-tune" what is meant by "all" or "any" acquisition parameters (i.e. when using Fired("all"), Fired("any"), Fired("Pall", etc.). For each detector type, give a comma-separated list of the acquisition parameter types to be taken into account in the KVDetector::Fired method. Only those parameters which appear in the list will be considered: then "all" means => all parameters in the list and "any" means => any of the parameters in the list These lists are read during construction of multidetector arrays (KVMultiDetArray::Build), the method KVMultiDetArray::SetACQParams uses them to define a mask for each detector of the array. Bits are set/reset in the order of the acquisition parameter list of the detector. If no variable [dataset].[classname].Fired.ACQParameterList.[type] exists, we set a bitmask authorizing all acquisition parameters of the detector, e.g. if the detector has 3 acquisition parameters the bitmask will be "111"
Definition at line 1509 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Definition at line 784 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
Set the value of fKVDetectorFiredACQParameterListFormatString to be [classname].Fired.ACQParameterList.s where [classname] is the name of the class of whatever object is calling this method
Definition at line 87 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Set material of active layer. If no absorbers have been added to the detector, create and add one (active layer by default)
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 206 of file KVDetector.cpp.
inlineprivatevirtual |
Make KVPosition methods private to avoid misuse N.B. the inherited KVPosition part of KVDetector is used for the ACTIVE layer of the detector the entrance window is described by member KVPosition fEWPosition
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 147 of file KVDetector.h.
Definition at line 722 of file KVDetector.h.
Set value of pedestal associated to parameter with given name.
Definition at line 696 of file KVDetector.cpp.
Definition at line 614 of file KVDetector.h.
set segmentation level - used in reconstruction of particles
Reimplemented in KVINDRADetector.
Definition at line 778 of file KVDetector.h.
Reimplemented from KVPosition.
Definition at line 151 of file KVDetector.h.
Set simulation mode of detector If on=kTRUE (default), we are in simulation mode (calculation of energy losses etc.) If on=kFALSE, we are analysing/reconstruction experimental data Changes behaviour of Fired(): in simulation mode, Fired() returns kTRUE whenever the energy loss in the active layer is >0
Definition at line 590 of file KVDetector.h.
Overrides KVMaterial::SetThickness
If ROOT geometry is defined, we modify the DZ thickness of the volume representing this detector in accordance with the new thickness.
This is only implemented for single-layer detectors with a simple shape.
Reimplemented from KVMaterial.
Definition at line 2306 of file KVDetector.cpp.
protected |
list of absorbers making up the detector
Definition at line 200 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
list of raw data parameters read from coders
Definition at line 198 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
The active absorber in the detector.
Definition at line 128 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
stores lists of aligned detectors in both directions
Definition at line 219 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
list of associated calibrator objects
Definition at line 197 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
just a counter so that missing calibrator warning is given only once
Definition at line 203 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
used to store depth of detector in parent telescope
Definition at line 206 of file KVDetector.h.
staticprivate |
Definition at line 127 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
=kTRUE if detector is "detecting", =kFALSE if not
Definition at line 223 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
list of signals associated with detector
Definition at line 190 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
parametric function dE in active layer vs. incident energy
Definition at line 214 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
parametric function Eres residual energy after all layers of detector
Definition at line 215 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
used by GetIncidentEnergy & GetCorrectedEnergy
Definition at line 218 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
position of entrance window i.e. first volume in detector geometry
Definition at line 124 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
bitmask used by Fired to determine which parameters to take into account
Definition at line 208 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
dynamically generated full name of detector
Definition at line 196 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
gain of amplifier
Definition at line 202 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
temporary counters, determine state of identified/unidentified particle flags
Definition at line 141 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
list of ID telescopes made of this detector and all aligned detectors placed in front of it
Definition at line 130 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
list of ID telescopes used for particle ID
Definition at line 131 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
list of ID telescopes to which detector belongs
Definition at line 129 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
Definition at line 188 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
name of multidetector array this detector is part of
Definition at line 132 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
positioning information relative to other detectors
Definition at line 126 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
list of geometry structures which directly contain this detector
Definition at line 125 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
list of particles hitting detector in an event
Definition at line 199 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
=kTRUE if detector is present, =kFALSE if it has been removed
Definition at line 222 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
parametric function range of particles in detector
Definition at line 216 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
used in particle reconstruction
Definition at line 201 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
=kTRUE when using to simulate detector response, =kFALSE when analysing data
Definition at line 221 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
=kTRUE if detector has a single absorber layer
Definition at line 225 of file KVDetector.h.
protected |
used to store value calculated by GetTotalThicknessInCM
Definition at line 205 of file KVDetector.h.
private |
temporary counters, determine state of identified/unidentified particle flags
Definition at line 142 of file KVDetector.h.