#define ClassDef(name, id)
Description of an experimental run in database ,.
General purpose analysis class for TTree containing KVEvent objects.
void SetBranchName(const Char_t *n)
KVEvent * GetEvent() const
void SetParticleConditionsParticleClassName(const KVString &t)
Base class for user analysis of reconstructed data.
void SetCurrentRun(KVDBRun *r)
virtual ~KVReconEventSelector()
KVDBRun * fCurrentRun
current run being analysed
void Init(TTree *tree)
When using PROOF, need to set tree pointer in KVDataAnalyser.
KVReconEventSelector(TTree *arg1=0)
KVDBRun * GetCurrentRun() const
KVReconstructedEvent * GetEvent() const
static void Make(const Char_t *kvsname)
Physical event reconstructed from data measured with a detector array using implemented identificatio...