26 class KVDetectorEvent;
43 "KVReconstructedNucleus");
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Base class container for multi-particle events.
KVNucleus * GetParticle(Int_t npart) const
KVNucleus * AddParticle()
KVNucleus * GetParticleWithName(const Char_t *name) const
KVNucleus * GetNextParticle(Option_t *opt="") const
Physical event reconstructed from data measured with a detector array using implemented identificatio...
virtual Bool_t AnalyseDetectors(TList *kvtl)
TString fPartSeedCond
condition used in AnalyseTelescopes for seeding new reconstructed particle
virtual void IdentifyEvent()
virtual const Char_t * GetPartSeedCond() const
void ls(Option_t *="") const
compact listing of reconstructed event
KVReconstructedNucleus * AddParticle()
KVReconstructedNucleus * GetParticleWithName(const Char_t *name) const
virtual void Print(Option_t *t="") const
void MergeEventFragments(TCollection *, Option_t *opt="")
KVReconstructedNucleus * GetParticle(Int_t npart) const
virtual ~ KVReconstructedEvent()
KVReconstructedEvent(Int_t mult=50, const char *classname="KVReconstructedNucleus")
virtual void SecondaryIdentCalib()
virtual void SetPartSeedCond(const Char_t *cond)
KVReconstructedNucleus * GetNextParticle(Option_t *opt="")
virtual void CalibrateEvent()
Bool_t fMeanAngles
kTRUE if particle momenta calculated using mean angles of detectors (default: randomised angles)
void init()
default initialisations
Nuclei reconstructed from data measured by a detector array ,.