#define ClassDef(name, id)
Base class for detector geometry description, interface to energy-loss calculations.
Base class for all detectors or associations of detectors in array which can identify charged particl...
Read INDRA DST file and fill a TTree.
Conversion of INDRA DST file to KaliVeda ROOT format.
KVDetector * Code1(int ring, int mod)
KVDetector * Code2and9and10(int ring, int mod)
virtual ~KVINDRADstToRootTransfert()
const KVSeqCollection * params
Int_t events_in_file
total number of events read from each file - for tests
KVDetector * Code0(int ring, int mod)
TTree * rawtree
raw data tree
void lire_evt(std::ifstream &f_in, KVINDRAReconEvent *evt)
Int_t fRunNumber
run number of current file
TTree * data_tree
tree for writing events
Default constructor.
KVIDTelescope * identifying_telescope
virtual KVNumberList PrintAvailableRuns(KVString &datatype)
KVDetector * Code4and5and6and8(int ring, int mod)
Int_t events_read
totals of events read and trees filled
void DefineSHELLVariables()
virtual void SubmitTask()
KVDetector * Code3(int ring, int mod)
virtual void ProcessRun()
KVDetector * Code7(int ring, int mod)
Event reconstructed from energy losses in INDRA multidetector.
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
KaliVeda extensions to ROOT collection classes.
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....