132 egas = ((egas < 0.) ?
GetEnergy() : egas);
ClassImp(KVPartitionList) void KVPartitionList
GANIL VXI/VME acquisition parameter.
void SetLabel(const Char_t *lab)
Ionisation chamber detectors of the INDRA multidetector array.
Double_t GetELossMylar(UInt_t z, UInt_t a, Double_t egas=-1.0, Bool_t stopped=kFALSE)
virtual Short_t GetCalcACQParam(KVACQParam *, Double_t) const
void SetMylarThicknesses(Float_t thickF, Float_t thickB)
void DeduceACQParameters(KVEvent *, KVNumberList &)
virtual Double_t GetEnergy() const
void AddAbsorber(KVMaterial *)
KVList * fAbsorbers
list of absorbers making up the detector
void SetActiveLayer(KVMaterial *actif)
virtual Double_t GetCorrectedEnergy(KVNucleus *, Double_t e=-1., Bool_t transmission=kTRUE)
Base class container for multi-particle events.
Base class for detectors of INDRA array.
void SetType(const Char_t *t)
void AddACQParamType(const Char_t *type)
void SetThickness(Double_t thick)
Description of physical materials used to construct detectors; interface to range tables.
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
virtual TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
void AbstractMethod(const char *method) const
Standard units of length, mass, volume, and pressure, and their conversion factors.