ClassImp(KVPartitionList) void KVPartitionList
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Base class for detector geometry description.
virtual void SetDefaultValues()
To be defined in child class.
virtual void LoadPSAParameters()
virtual ~KVQL1()
virtual void GetPSAResult(KVDetector *) const
virtual void TreateSignal()
void Copy(TObject &obj) const
void SetTauRC(Int_t taurc)
Bool_t IsLongEnough() const
TString fType
string to identify the signal type : "QH1", "I2" etc ...
void Copy(TObject &obj) const
void ChangeChannelWidth(Double_t newwidth)
virtual void RemoveBaseLine()
Double_t fAmplitude
results of signal treatement
Double_t GetPSAParameter(const Char_t *parname)
DeduceFromName has to be called before.
Double_t fSigmaBase
base line rms
void SetPoleZeroCorrection(Bool_t with=kTRUE)
Double_t GetRawAmplitude() const
Double_t fBaseLine
base line mean value
void SetBaseLineLength(Int_t length, Int_t first=0)
Double_t ComputeAmplitude()
Compute and return the absolute value of the signal amplitude.
void SetTrapShaperParameters(Double_t rise, Double_t flat)
void SetChannelWidth(double width)
Bool_t PSAHasBeenComputed() const
Double_t fTauRC
tau_rc of the electronics. Used for pole zero cancellation.
Double_t ComputeRiseTime()
void FIR_ApplyTrapezoidal(double trise, double tflat)
different shapers (modify only fAdc)
Bool_t fWithPoleZeroCorrection
use or nor pole zero correction
Double_t fTrapFlatTop
flat top of the trapezoidal shaper
Double_t fRiseTime
rise time of the signal
Bool_t fPSAIsDone
indicate if PSA has been done
void PoleZeroSuppression(Double_t tauRC)
Double_t fTrapRiseTime
rise time of the trapezoidal shaper
Double_t GetChannelWidth() const
void SetAmplitudeTriggerValue(Double_t val)
const char * Data() const