21 KVQ3(
const char* name);
#define ClassDef(name, id)
To store calibration parameters in a database ,.
Base class for detector geometry description.
virtual ~KVQ3()
virtual void TreateSignal()
virtual void SetDefaultValues()
To be defined in child class.
virtual void GetPSAResult(KVDetector *) const
Double_t GetFastShaperRiseTime() const
virtual void UpdatePSAParameter(KVDBParameterList *par)
void Copy(TObject &obj) const
Double_t fFastAmplitude
fast amplitude for CsI
void SetFastShaperRiseTime(Double_t rise)
Double_t fFastTrapRiseTime
rise time of the trapezoidal shaper for fast componment
Double_t GetFastShaperFlatTop() const
virtual void LoadPSAParameters()
void SetFastTrapShaperParameters(Double_t rise, Double_t flat)
void SetFastShaperFlatTop(Double_t flat)
virtual Bool_t IsCharge() const
Double_t fFastTrapFlatTop
flat top of the trapezoidal shaper for fast componment