1 #ifndef __KVISOSCALING_H
2 #define __KVISOSCALING_H
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Extended version of ROOT THashList.
void DrawAlphavsNFits(Int_t system1, Int_t system2)
void BuildAlphaPlot(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t mcolor, Int_t mstyle, Bool_t draw=kFALSE)
KVHashList * GetLnR21vsNGraphList()
— Lists —
std::vector< std::vector< Int_t > > fvec_sys_z_
vectors of charge Z (one vector per system)
Int_t GetAPos(Int_t system, Int_t zz, Int_t aa)
Bool_t GetAlpha(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t zz, Float_t &alpha, Float_t &alpha_err)
— Find the corresponding alpha parameter in fit function list —
KVHashList fhlist_alpha_delta_
contains all Alpha vs Delta graphs
void DrawLnR21vsNFits(Int_t system1, Int_t system2)
Bool_t ReadYieldsFile(Int_t system, const Char_t *file_path)
std::vector< Float_t > GetAMeanVector(Int_t system)
Int_t GetZPos(Int_t system, Int_t zz)
Returns the position of the charge 'ZZ' in the vector corresponding to 'system' in fvec_sys_z_.
std::vector< std::vector< Float_t > > fvec_sys_z_meanA_
— (system, Z, <A(Z)>, <A(Z)>_err) vectors for Isoscaling —
void FitLnR21vsNPlots(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Option_t *option="MNVR", Option_t *gooption="goff")
void BuildGaussianPlots(Int_t system)
void PrintYieldsList()
— Printers —
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Float_t > > > fvec_sys_z_yields_err_
vector of yields uncertainties (one vector per (system, Z) combination - same order than fvec_sys_z_a...
std::vector< Int_t > GetAVectorFromPos(Int_t pos_system, Int_t pos_zz)
void SetVerbose(Bool_t debug)
— inline methods —
std::vector< Float_t > GetYieldErrVectorFromPos(Int_t pos_system, Int_t pos_zz)
KVNumberList fnl_sys_
— Lists —
KVHashList fhlist_delta_
contains all Delta vs Z graphs
Double_t GetRMSTolerance()
Bool_t fdebug_
verbose mode for debugging
Double_t ftol_
tolerance for the gaussian approximation (in sigma)
std::vector< Float_t > GetYieldVector(Int_t system, Int_t zz)
void SetRMSTolerance(Double_t tol)
Int_t FindZFromAmean(Int_t system, Int_t aa)
Returns the charge ZZ associated to the provided mass AA such as <A(ZZ)> == AA.
KVHashList * GetCsymOverTPlots()
KVNumberList * GetANumberList(Int_t system, Int_t zz)
KVList flist_a_
contains all lists of masses A (one list of KVNumberList per (system, Z) combination)
std::vector< Float_t > GetAMeanErrVector(Int_t system)
Bool_t GetCsymOverT(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t zz, Float_t &csymT, Float_t &csymT_err, Bool_t debug)
KVHashList fhlist_lnR21N_all_
contains all graphs of lnR21 vs N (without tolerance applied)
void BuildDeltaZA2Plot(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t mcolor, Int_t mstyle, Bool_t draw=kFALSE)
KVNumberList GetSharedANumberList(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t zz)
Returns the number list of all A shared between the 2 systems.
std::vector< Int_t > fvec_sys_
— (system, Z, A, yields, yields_err) vectors for Isoscaling —
std::vector< Float_t > GetYieldVectorFromPos(Int_t pos_system, Int_t pos_zz)
KVHashList fhlist_yields_
contains all yield plots vs N
KVHashList * GetAlphaPlots()
std::vector< std::pair< Int_t, Int_t > > fvec_iso_pairs_
— list of isoscaling systems —
KVHashList fhlist_alpha_
contains all Aplha vs Z graphs
KVHashList fhlist_fit_
contains all linear fits attempted from lnR21_vs_N graphs
void BuildLnR21vsNPlots(Int_t system1, Int_t system2)
KVHashList * GetLnR21vsNFitList()
Int_t GetSystemPos(Int_t system)
— Getters —
Bool_t GetDeltaZA2(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t zz, Float_t &denum, Float_t &denum_err, Bool_t debug)
Return the value of the denumerator (Z/<A1>)**2-(Z/<A2>)**2 for Csym/T estimation.
KVNumberList GetSharedZNumberList(Int_t system1, Int_t system2)
Returns the number list of all Z shared between the 2 systems.
std::vector< Float_t > GetYieldErrVector(Int_t system, Int_t zz)
void TestGaussianApprox(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t zz, Double_t tol)
void SaveResultsROOT(const Char_t *file_name="./isoscaling_output_file.root")
void BuildAlphavsDeltaPlot(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t mcolor, Int_t mstyle, Bool_t draw=kFALSE)
KVNumberList * GetZNumberList(Int_t system)
KVHashList fhlist_csymT_
contains all Csym/T vs Z graphs
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Float_t > > > fvec_sys_z_yields_
vector of yields (one vector per (system, Z) combination - same order than fvec_sys_z_a_)
std::vector< std::vector< Float_t > > fvec_sys_z_meanerrA_
vectors of <A(Z)> uncertainties (one vector per system)
Bool_t GetAMean(Int_t system, Int_t zz, Float_t &meanA, Float_t &meanA_err)
return the <A(Z)> for the given system
void CreateCsymOverTMultiGraph(TMultiGraph *mgr)
void BuildCsymOverTPlot(Int_t system1, Int_t system2, Int_t mcolor, Int_t mstyle, Bool_t draw=kFALSE)
Int_t GetNSystems()
— Getters —
std::vector< Int_t > GetZVector(Int_t system)
— Vectors getters —
void SaveResultsASCII(const Char_t *file_name="./isoscaling_output_file.txt")
KVList flist_z_
contains all lists of charges Z (one KVNumberList per system, in system order)
std::vector< Int_t > GetAVector(Int_t system, Int_t zz)
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Int_t > > > fvec_sys_z_a_
vectors of A(Z) (one vector per (system, Z) combination)
KVHashList * GetAlphavsDeltaPlots()
KVHashList * GetDeltaZA2Plots()
KVHashList fhlist_lnR21N_
contains all graphs of lnR21 vs N (with tolerance applied)
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
virtual void SetOwner(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)
virtual TObject * At(Int_t idx) const