4 #ifndef __KVEventFiltering_H
5 #define __KVEventFiltering_H
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Simple tool to track which classes instance count increases over time.
Database class used to store information on different colliding systems studied during an experiment.
Filter simulated events with multidetector response.
TString fNewFrame
allow the definition of a specific frame
KVSimEvent fGemEvent
event after decay with Gemini
void OpenOutputFile(KVDBSystem *, Int_t)
Bool_t fTransformKinematics
=kTRUE if simulation not in lab frame
void RandomRotation(KVEvent *to_rotate, const TString &frame_name="") const
Bool_t fGemini
true if Gemini++ decay should be performed before detection [default: no]
void Copy(TObject &) const
TString fIdCalMode
original exp setup hasIDandCalib to be reset in case of modifications
KVReconstructedEvent * fReconEvent
Default constructor.
Bool_t fGemAddRotEner
true if rotational energy has to be added to excitation energy [default: no]
Int_t fGemDecayPerEvent
number of Gemini++ decays to be performed for each event [default:1]
virtual ~KVEventFiltering()
Long64_t fEVN
event number counter
Bool_t fRotate
true if random phi rotation should be applied [default: yes]
General purpose analysis class for TTree containing KVEvent objects.
Abstract base class container for multi-particle events.
Event containing KVReconstructedNucleus nuclei reconstructed from hits in detectors.
Container class for simulated nuclei, KVSimNucleus.