KaliVeda  1.13/01
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2 $Id: KVDBPeak.h,v 1.4 2007/04/02 17:43:38 ebonnet Exp $
3  KVDBPeak.h - description
4  -------------------
5  begin : december 5th 2003
6  copyright : (C) 2003 by John D. Frankland
7  email : frankland@ganil.fr
8  ***************************************************************************/
10 /***************************************************************************
11  * *
12  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
13  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
14  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
15  * (at your option) any later version. *
16  * *
17  ***************************************************************************/
18 #ifndef __KVDBPEAK_H
19 #define __KVDBPEAK_H
21 #include "KVDBParameterSet.h"
22 #include "KVINDRARRMValidator.h"
23 #include "TString.h"
36 private:
46 public:
48  KVDBPeak();
49  KVDBPeak(const Char_t* detname, const Char_t* type, UShort_t pnum);
50  virtual ~ KVDBPeak()
51  {
52  };
54  void init();
56  void SetGas(Bool_t avec = kTRUE)
57  {
58  fAvecGaz = avec;
59  };
60  Bool_t WithGas() const
61  {
62  return fAvecGaz;
63  };
65  void SetDetector(const Char_t* name)
66  {
67  fDetector = name;
68  };
69  const Char_t* GetDetector() const
70  {
71  return fDetector.Data();
72  };
74  void SetSigType(const Char_t* sig)
75  {
76  fSignal = sig;
77  };
78  const Char_t* GetSigType() const
79  {
80  return fSignal.Data();
81  };
83  void SetGain(Float_t gain)
84  {
85  fGain = gain;
86  };
87  Float_t GetGain() const
88  {
89  return fGain;
90  };
93  {
94  fEnergy = e;
95  };
97  {
98  return fEnergy;
99  };
101  void SetRing(UChar_t ring)
102  {
103  fRing = ring;
104  };
105  UChar_t GetRing() const
106  {
107  return fRing;
108  };
110  void SetModule(UChar_t mod)
111  {
112  fModule = mod;
113  };
115  {
116  return fModule;
117  };
120  {
121  return GetParameter(0);
122  };
124  {
125  return GetParameter(1);
126  };
128  {
129  return GetParameter(2);
130  }
132  ClassDef(KVDBPeak, 2) //calibration points such as alpha, elastic, Brho
133 };
135 #endif
#define e(i)
unsigned short UShort_t
unsigned char UChar_t
char Char_t
bool Bool_t
double Double_t
float Float_t
#define ClassDef(name, id)
To store calibration parameters in a database ,.
Double_t GetParameter(UShort_t i=0) const
Calibration peak in database.
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:34
void init()
default initialisations
Definition: KVDBPeak.cpp:25
TString fDetector
name of detector
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:39
Double_t GetPeakWidth()
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:127
void SetSigType(const Char_t *sig)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:74
void SetDetector(const Char_t *name)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:65
Double_t GetCentroid()
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:119
UChar_t fModule
module number of Si or CsI (in coinc with ChIo if peak is in ChIo)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:44
UChar_t fRing
ring number of Si or CsI (in coinc with ChIo if peak is in ChIo)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:43
const Char_t * GetSigType() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:78
Double_t GetError()
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:123
Bool_t WithGas() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:60
void SetGain(Float_t gain)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:83
Float_t fEnergy
theoretical energy of peak
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:42
Float_t GetEnergy() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:96
UChar_t GetRing() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:105
void SetRing(UChar_t ring)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:101
void SetModule(UChar_t mod)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:110
Float_t GetGain() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:87
Bool_t fAvecGaz
=kTRUE if gaz present in chio
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:38
void SetEnergy(Float_t e)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:92
TString fSignal
=signal type
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:40
void SetGas(Bool_t avec=kTRUE)
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:56
UChar_t GetModule() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:114
const Char_t * GetDetector() const
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:69
virtual ~ KVDBPeak()
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:50
Float_t fGain
gain of ampli for Si = 1.00 or 1.41
Definition: KVDBPeak.h:41
default ctor
Definition: KVDBPeak.cpp:45
const char * Data() const