KaliVeda  1.12/06
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
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KVFileDialog Class Reference

Modified version of TGFileDialog file selection dialog.

This class creates a file selection dialog. It contains a combo box to select the desired directory. A listview with the different files in the current directory and a combo box with which you can select a filter (on file extensions).

When creating a file dialog one passes a pointer to a TGFileInfo object. In this object you can set the fFileTypes and fIniDir to specify the list of file types for the filter combo box and the initial directory.

When the KVFileDialog ctor returns the selected file name can be found in the TGFileInfo::fFilename field and the selected directory in TGFileInfo::fIniDir.

The fFilename and fIniDir are deleted by the TGFileInfo dtor.

Definition at line 48 of file KVFileDialog.h.

Public Member Functions

 KVFileDialog (const TGWindow *p=0, const TGWindow *main=0, EKVFileDialogMode dlg_type=kKVFDOpen, TGFileInfo *file_info=0)
virtual ~KVFileDialog ()
 Delete file dialog. More...
virtual void CloseWindow ()
 Close file dialog. More...
virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage (Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)
 Process messages generated by the user input in the file dialog. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from TGTransientFrame
 TGTransientFrame (const TGWindow *p=nullptr, const TGWindow *main=nullptr, UInt_t w=1, UInt_t h=1, UInt_t options=kVerticalFrame)
virtual void CenterOnParent (Bool_t croot=kTRUE, EPlacement pos=kCenter)
const TGWindowGetMain () const
virtual void SavePrimitive (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
virtual void SaveSource (const char *filename="Rootdlog.C", Option_t *option="")
- Public Member Functions inherited from TGMainFrame
 TGMainFrame (const TGWindow *p=nullptr, UInt_t w=1, UInt_t h=1, UInt_t options=kVerticalFrame)
virtual ~TGMainFrame ()
virtual Bool_t BindKey (const TGWindow *w, Int_t keycode, Int_t modifier) const
void DontCallClose ()
TListGetBindList () const
void GetClassHints (const char *&className, const char *&resourceName) const
const char * GetIconName () const
const char * GetIconPixmap () const
void GetMWMHints (UInt_t &value, UInt_t &funcs, UInt_t &input) const
const char * GetWindowName () const
void GetWMPosition (Int_t &x, Int_t &y) const
void GetWMSize (UInt_t &w, UInt_t &h) const
void GetWMSizeHints (UInt_t &wmin, UInt_t &hmin, UInt_t &wmax, UInt_t &hmax, UInt_t &winc, UInt_t &hinc) const
EInitialState GetWMState () const
virtual Bool_t HandleButton (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleClientMessage (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleKey (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleSelection (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleSelectionRequest (Event_t *event)
virtual void RemoveBind (const TGWindow *w, Int_t keycode, Int_t modifier) const
virtual Bool_t SaveFrameAsCodeOrImage ()
virtual void SendCloseMessage ()
void SetClassHints (const char *className, const char *resourceName)
void SetIconName (const char *name)
void SetIconPixmap (char **xpm_array)
const TGPictureSetIconPixmap (const char *iconName)
void SetMWMHints (UInt_t value, UInt_t funcs, UInt_t input)
void SetWindowName (const char *name=0)
void SetWMPosition (Int_t x, Int_t y)
void SetWMSize (UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
void SetWMSizeHints (UInt_t wmin, UInt_t hmin, UInt_t wmax, UInt_t hmax, UInt_t winc, UInt_t hinc)
void SetWMState (EInitialState state)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TGCompositeFrame
 TGCompositeFrame (const TGWindow *p=nullptr, UInt_t w=1, UInt_t h=1, UInt_t options=0, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
 TGCompositeFrame (TGClient *c, Window_t id, const TGWindow *parent=nullptr)
virtual ~TGCompositeFrame ()
virtual void AddFrame (TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l=0)
virtual void ChangeOptions (UInt_t options)
virtual void ChangeSubframesBackground (Pixel_t back)
virtual void Cleanup ()
virtual TGFrameElementFindFrameElement (TGFrame *f) const
virtual UInt_t GetDefaultHeight () const
virtual TGDimension GetDefaultSize () const
virtual UInt_t GetDefaultWidth () const
virtual TGFrameGetFrameFromPoint (Int_t x, Int_t y)
virtual TGLayoutManagerGetLayoutManager () const
virtual TListGetList () const
Int_t GetState (TGFrame *f) const
virtual Bool_t HandleCrossing (Event_t *)
virtual Bool_t HandleDoubleClick (Event_t *)
virtual Bool_t HandleDragDrop (TGFrame *frame, Int_t x, Int_t y, TGLayoutHints *lo)
virtual Bool_t HandleDragEnter (TGFrame *)
virtual Bool_t HandleDragLeave (TGFrame *)
virtual Bool_t HandleDragMotion (TGFrame *)
virtual Bool_t HandleFocusChange (Event_t *)
virtual void HideFrame (TGFrame *f)
Bool_t IsArranged (TGFrame *f) const
Bool_t IsArranged (TGFrameElement *ptr) const
Bool_t IsComposite () const
virtual Bool_t IsEditable () const
virtual Bool_t IsLayoutBroken () const
virtual Bool_t IsMapSubwindows () const
Bool_t IsVisible (TGFrame *f) const
Bool_t IsVisible (TGFrameElement *ptr) const
virtual void Layout ()
virtual void MapSubwindows ()
virtual Int_t MustCleanup () const
virtual void Print (Option_t *option="") const
virtual void RemoveAll ()
virtual void RemoveFrame (TGFrame *f)
virtual void SavePrimitiveSubframes (std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
virtual void SetCleanup (Int_t mode=kLocalCleanup)
virtual void SetEditable (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
virtual void SetEditDisabled (UInt_t on=1)
virtual void SetLayoutBroken (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
virtual void SetLayoutManager (TGLayoutManager *l)
virtual void SetMapSubwindows (Bool_t on)
virtual void ShowFrame (TGFrame *f)
virtual Bool_t TranslateCoordinates (TGFrame *child, Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t &fx, Int_t &fy)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TGFrame
 TGFrame (const TGWindow *p=nullptr, UInt_t w=1, UInt_t h=1, UInt_t options=0, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground())
 TGFrame (TGClient *c, Window_t id, const TGWindow *parent=nullptr)
virtual ~TGFrame ()
virtual void Activate (Bool_t)
void AddInput (UInt_t emask)
virtual void ChangeBackground (Pixel_t back)
Bool_t Contains (Int_t x, Int_t y) const
virtual void Delete (Option_t *="")
virtual void DeleteWindow ()
virtual void DrawBorder ()
virtual void DrawClass () const
virtual TObjectDrawClone (Option_t *="") const
virtual void DrawCopy (Handle_t, Int_t, Int_t)
virtual void Dump () const
virtual Pixel_t GetBackground () const
Int_t GetBorderWidth () const
virtual TDNDDataGetDNDData (Atom_t)
virtual Int_t GetDragType () const
virtual Int_t GetDropType () const
UInt_t GetEventMask () const
virtual Pixel_t GetForeground () const
TGFrameElementGetFrameElement () const
UInt_t GetHeight () const
UInt_t GetMaxHeight () const
UInt_t GetMaxWidth () const
UInt_t GetMinHeight () const
UInt_t GetMinWidth () const
virtual UInt_t GetOptions () const
TGDimension GetSize () const
UInt_t GetWidth () const
Int_t GetX () const
Int_t GetY () const
virtual Bool_t HandleColormapChange (Event_t *)
virtual Bool_t HandleConfigureNotify (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleDNDDrop (TDNDData *)
virtual Atom_t HandleDNDEnter (Atom_t *)
virtual Bool_t HandleDNDFinished ()
virtual Bool_t HandleDNDLeave ()
virtual Atom_t HandleDNDPosition (Int_t, Int_t, Atom_t, Int_t, Int_t)
virtual Bool_t HandleEvent (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleSelectionClear (Event_t *)
virtual void Inspect () const
virtual Bool_t IsActive () const
Bool_t IsDNDSource () const
Bool_t IsDNDTarget () const
virtual void MapRaised ()
virtual void MapWindow ()
virtual void Move (Int_t x, Int_t y)
virtual void MoveResize (Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
virtual void ProcessedConfigure (Event_t *event)
virtual void ProcessedEvent (Event_t *event)
virtual void ReallyDelete ()
void RemoveInput (UInt_t emask)
virtual void ReparentWindow (const TGWindow *p, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0)
virtual void Resize (TGDimension size)
virtual void Resize (UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0)
void SaveUserColor (std::ostream &out, Option_t *)
virtual void SendMessage (const TGWindow *w, Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)
virtual void SetBackgroundColor (Pixel_t back)
void SetDNDSource (Bool_t onoff)
void SetDNDTarget (Bool_t onoff)
virtual void SetDragType (Int_t type)
virtual void SetDrawOption (Option_t *="")
virtual void SetDropType (Int_t type)
virtual void SetForegroundColor (Pixel_t)
void SetFrameElement (TGFrameElement *fe)
virtual void SetHeight (UInt_t h)
virtual void SetMaxHeight (UInt_t h)
virtual void SetMaxWidth (UInt_t w)
virtual void SetMinHeight (UInt_t h)
virtual void SetMinWidth (UInt_t w)
virtual void SetSize (const TGDimension &s)
virtual void SetWidth (UInt_t w)
virtual void SetX (Int_t x)
virtual void SetY (Int_t y)
virtual void UnmapWindow ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from TGWindow
 TGWindow (const TGWindow *p=0, Int_t x=0, Int_t y=0, UInt_t w=0, UInt_t h=0, UInt_t border=0, Int_t depth=0, UInt_t clss=0, void *visual=0, SetWindowAttributes_t *attr=0, UInt_t wtype=0)
 TGWindow (TGClient *c, Window_t id, const TGWindow *parent=0)
virtual ~TGWindow ()
virtual void DestroySubwindows ()
virtual void DestroyWindow ()
virtual UInt_t GetEditDisabled () const
virtual const TGWindowGetMainFrame () const
virtual const char * GetName () const
const TGWindowGetParent () const
virtual Bool_t HandleExpose (Event_t *event)
virtual Bool_t HandleIdleEvent (TGIdleHandler *)
virtual Bool_t HandleTimer (TTimer *)
virtual void IconifyWindow ()
virtual Bool_t IsMapped ()
virtual void LowerWindow ()
virtual void RaiseWindow ()
virtual void RequestFocus ()
virtual void SetBackgroundPixmap (Pixmap_t pixmap)
virtual void SetName (const char *name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from TGObject
 TGObject ()
 TGObject (const TGObject &tgo)
virtual ~TGObject ()
TGClientGetClient () const
Handle_t GetId () const
ULong_t Hash () const
Bool_t IsEqual (const TObject *obj) const
virtual void SaveAs (const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
 TObject ()
 TObject (const TObject &object)
virtual ~TObject ()
void AbstractMethod (const char *method) const
virtual void AppendPad (Option_t *option="")
virtual void Browse (TBrowser *b)
ULong_t CheckedHash ()
virtual const char * ClassName () const
virtual void Clear (Option_t *="")
virtual TObjectClone (const char *newname="") const
virtual Int_t Compare (const TObject *obj) const
virtual void Copy (TObject &object) const
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive (Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void Draw (Option_t *option="")
virtual void Error (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
virtual void Execute (const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0)
virtual void Execute (TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0)
virtual void ExecuteEvent (Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
virtual void Fatal (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
virtual TObjectFindObject (const char *name) const
virtual TObjectFindObject (const TObject *obj) const
virtual Option_tGetDrawOption () const
virtual char * GetObjectInfo (Int_t px, Int_t py) const
virtual Option_tGetOption () const
virtual const char * GetTitle () const
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID () const
Bool_t HasInconsistentHash () const
virtual void Info (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const char *classname) const
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom (const TClass *cl) const
void InvertBit (UInt_t f)
virtual Bool_t IsFolder () const
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t IsOnHeap () const
virtual Bool_t IsSortable () const
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t IsZombie () const
virtual void ls (Option_t *option="") const
void MayNotUse (const char *method) const
virtual Bool_t Notify ()
void Obsolete (const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const
void operator delete (void *ptr)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
voidoperator new (size_t sz)
voidoperator new (size_t sz, void *vp)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz)
voidoperator new[] (size_t sz, void *vp)
TObjectoperator= (const TObject &rhs)
virtual void Paint (Option_t *option="")
virtual void Pop ()
virtual Int_t Read (const char *name)
virtual void RecursiveRemove (TObject *obj)
void ResetBit (UInt_t f)
void SetBit (UInt_t f)
void SetBit (UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
virtual void SetUniqueID (UInt_t uid)
virtual void SysError (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t TestBit (UInt_t f) const
Int_t TestBits (UInt_t f) const
virtual void UseCurrentStyle ()
virtual void Warning (const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
virtual Int_t Write (const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from TQObject
 TQObject ()
virtual ~TQObject ()
Bool_t AreSignalsBlocked () const
Bool_t BlockSignals (Bool_t b)
virtual void ChangedBy (const char *method)
void CollectClassSignalLists (TList &list, TClass *cls)
Bool_t Connect (const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
virtual void Connected (const char *)
virtual void Destroyed ()
Bool_t Disconnect (const char *signal=0, void *receiver=0, const char *slot=0)
virtual void Disconnected (const char *)
void Emit (const char *signal)
void Emit (const char *signal, const T &arg)
void EmitVA (const char *signal_name, Int_t, const T &... params)
TListGetListOfClassSignals () const
TListGetListOfConnections () const
TListGetListOfSignals () const
virtual Bool_t HasConnection (const char *signal_name) const
virtual void HighPriority (const char *signal_name, const char *slot_name=0)
virtual void LowPriority (const char *signal_name, const char *slot_name=0)
virtual void Message (const char *msg)
virtual Int_t NumberOfConnections () const
virtual Int_t NumberOfSignals () const

Protected Attributes

 cancel button More...
 top toolbar button More...
 top toolbar button More...
EKVFileDialogMode fDlgMode
 file list view container (containing the files) More...
 file info passed to this dialog More...
 file list view More...
 top toolbar button More...
 file name text entry More...
 top toolbar button More...
 ok button More...
const TGPicturefPcdup
 OR set on/off multiple file selection for SaveAs dialog. More...
const TGPicturefPdetails
 picture for fDetails More...
const TGPicturefPlist
 picture for fList More...
const TGPicturefPnewf
 picture for fNewf More...
 text buffer of file name More...
 file system path combo box More...
 file type combo box More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from TGTransientFrame
const TGWindowfMain
- Protected Attributes inherited from TGMainFrame
TString fClassName
TString fIconName
TString fIconPixmap
UInt_t fMWMFuncs
UInt_t fMWMInput
UInt_t fMWMValue
TString fResourceName
TString fWindowName
UInt_t fWMHeight
UInt_t fWMHeightInc
EInitialState fWMInitState
UInt_t fWMMaxHeight
UInt_t fWMMaxWidth
UInt_t fWMMinHeight
UInt_t fWMMinWidth
UInt_t fWMWidth
UInt_t fWMWidthInc
Int_t fWMX
Int_t fWMY
- Protected Attributes inherited from TGCompositeFrame
Bool_t fLayoutBroken
Bool_t fMapSubwindows
Int_t fMustCleanup
- Protected Attributes inherited from TGFrame
Pixel_t fBackground
Int_t fBorderWidth
Int_t fDNDState
UInt_t fEventMask
UInt_t fHeight
UInt_t fMaxHeight
UInt_t fMaxWidth
UInt_t fMinHeight
UInt_t fMinWidth
UInt_t fOptions
UInt_t fWidth
Int_t fX
Int_t fY
- Protected Attributes inherited from TGWindow
UInt_t fEditDisabled
TString fName
Bool_t fNeedRedraw
const TGWindowfParent
- Protected Attributes inherited from TGObject
Handle_t fId
- Protected Attributes inherited from TObject
- Protected Attributes inherited from TQObject
Bool_t fSignalsBlocked

Private Member Functions

 KVFileDialog (const KVFileDialog &)
KVFileDialogoperator= (const KVFileDialog &)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from TGTransientFrame
enum  EPlacement
- Public Types inherited from TGWindow
enum  EEditMode
enum  EStatusBits
- Public Types inherited from TObject
enum  EDeprecatedStatusBits
enum  EStatusBits
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TGFrame
static const TGGCGetBckgndGC ()
static const TGGCGetBlackGC ()
static Pixel_t GetBlackPixel ()
static Pixel_t GetDefaultFrameBackground ()
static Pixel_t GetDefaultSelectedBackground ()
static const TGGCGetHilightGC ()
static const TGGCGetShadowGC ()
static const TGGCGetWhiteGC ()
static Pixel_t GetWhitePixel ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TGWindow
static Int_t GetCounter ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TObject
static Longptr_t GetDtorOnly ()
static Bool_t GetObjectStat ()
static void SetDtorOnly (void *obj)
static void SetObjectStat (Bool_t stat)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TQObject
static Bool_t AreAllSignalsBlocked ()
static Bool_t BlockAllSignals (Bool_t b)
static Bool_t Connect (const char *sender_class, const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
static Bool_t Connect (TQObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
static Bool_t Disconnect (const char *class_name, const char *signal, void *receiver=0, const char *slot=0)
static Bool_t Disconnect (TQObject *sender, const char *signal=0, void *receiver=0, const char *slot=0)
- Public Attributes inherited from TGTransientFrame
- Public Attributes inherited from TGWindow
- Public Attributes inherited from TObject
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TGMainFrame
TString GetMWMfuncString () const
TString GetMWMinpString () const
TString GetMWMvalueString () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TGFrame
virtual void DoRedraw ()
virtual void Draw3dRectangle (UInt_t type, Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h)
TString GetOptionString () const
const TGResourcePoolGetResourcePool () const
virtual voidGetSender ()
virtual void StartGuiBuilding (Bool_t on=kTRUE)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TGWindow
 TGWindow (const TGWindow &tgw)
 TGWindow (Window_t id)
TGWindowoperator= (const TGWindow &tgw)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TGObject
TGObjectoperator= (const TGObject &tgo)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TObject
virtual void DoError (int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const
void MakeZombie ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from TQObject
virtual const char * GetSenderClassName () const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TGFrame
static Time_t GetLastClick ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from TQObject
static Int_t CheckConnectArgs (TQObject *sender, TClass *sender_class, const char *signal, TClass *receiver_class, const char *slot)
static TString CompressName (const char *method_name)
static Bool_t ConnectToClass (const char *sender_class, const char *signal, TClass *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
static Bool_t ConnectToClass (TQObject *sender, const char *signal, TClass *receiver_class, void *receiver, const char *slot)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TGCompositeFrame
static TGLayoutHintsfgDefaultHints
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TGFrame
static const TGGCfgBckgndGC
static const TGGCfgBlackGC
static Pixel_t fgBlackPixel
static Window_t fgDbw
static Int_t fgDbx
static Int_t fgDby
static Pixel_t fgDefaultFrameBackground
static Pixel_t fgDefaultSelectedBackground
static const TGGCfgHilightGC
static Bool_t fgInit
static UInt_t fgLastButton
static Time_t fgLastClick
static const TGGCfgShadowGC
static UInt_t fgUserColor
static const TGGCfgWhiteGC
static Pixel_t fgWhitePixel
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TGWindow
static Int_t fgCounter
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TQObject
static Bool_t fgAllSignalsBlocked

#include <KVFileDialog.h>

Inheritance diagram for KVFileDialog:
Inheritance graph

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KVFileDialog() [1/2]

KVFileDialog::KVFileDialog ( const KVFileDialog )

◆ KVFileDialog() [2/2]

KVFileDialog::KVFileDialog ( const TGWindow p = 0,
const TGWindow main = 0,
EKVFileDialogMode  dlg_type = kKVFDOpen,
TGFileInfo file_info = 0 

Create a file selection dialog. Depending on the dlg_type it can be used for opening or saving a file or selecting a directory.

Definition at line 65 of file KVFileDialog.cpp.

◆ ~KVFileDialog()

KVFileDialog::~KVFileDialog ( )

Delete file dialog.

Definition at line 312 of file KVFileDialog.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CloseWindow()

void KVFileDialog::CloseWindow ( )

Close file dialog.

Reimplemented from TGMainFrame.

Definition at line 332 of file KVFileDialog.cpp.

◆ operator=()

KVFileDialog& KVFileDialog::operator= ( const KVFileDialog )

◆ ProcessMessage()

Bool_t KVFileDialog::ProcessMessage ( Long_t  msg,
Long_t  parm1,
Long_t  parm2 

Process messages generated by the user input in the file dialog.

Reimplemented from TGCompositeFrame.

Definition at line 351 of file KVFileDialog.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ fCancel

TGTextButton* KVFileDialog::fCancel

cancel button

Definition at line 66 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fCdup

TGPictureButton* KVFileDialog::fCdup

top toolbar button

Definition at line 55 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fCheckB

TGCheckButton* KVFileDialog::fCheckB

set on/off file overwriting for Open dialog

Definition at line 59 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fDetails

TGPictureButton* KVFileDialog::fDetails

top toolbar button

Definition at line 58 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fDlgMode

EKVFileDialogMode KVFileDialog::fDlgMode

Definition at line 70 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fFc

TGFileContainer* KVFileDialog::fFc

file list view container (containing the files)

Definition at line 68 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fFileInfo

TGFileInfo* KVFileDialog::fFileInfo

file info passed to this dialog

Definition at line 69 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fFv

TGListView* KVFileDialog::fFv

file list view

Definition at line 67 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fList

TGPictureButton* KVFileDialog::fList

top toolbar button

Definition at line 57 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fName

TGTextEntry* KVFileDialog::fName

file name text entry

Definition at line 52 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fNewf

TGPictureButton* KVFileDialog::fNewf

top toolbar button

Definition at line 56 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fOk

TGTextButton* KVFileDialog::fOk

ok button

Definition at line 65 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fPcdup

const TGPicture* KVFileDialog::fPcdup

OR set on/off multiple file selection for SaveAs dialog.

picture for fCdup

Definition at line 61 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fPdetails

const TGPicture* KVFileDialog::fPdetails

picture for fDetails

Definition at line 64 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fPlist

const TGPicture* KVFileDialog::fPlist

picture for fList

Definition at line 63 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fPnewf

const TGPicture* KVFileDialog::fPnewf

picture for fNewf

Definition at line 62 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fTbfname

TGTextBuffer* KVFileDialog::fTbfname

text buffer of file name

Definition at line 51 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fTreeLB

TGFSComboBox* KVFileDialog::fTreeLB

file system path combo box

Definition at line 54 of file KVFileDialog.h.

◆ fTypes

TGComboBox* KVFileDialog::fTypes

file type combo box

Definition at line 53 of file KVFileDialog.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: