19 SetROOTFileName(
20 proj.GetSymbol(), targ.GetSymbol(), ebeam));
97 Info(
"case 0 line est vide");
ClassImp(KVPartitionList) void KVPartitionList
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Int_t ReadLineAndCheck(Int_t nexpect, const Char_t *pattern)
Bool_t OpenFileToRead(KVString filename)
Double_t GetDoubleReadPar(Int_t pos)
Int_t GetIntReadPar(Int_t pos)
const Char_t * GetSymbol(Option_t *opt="") const
void SetExcitEnergy(Double_t e)
void SetZ(Int_t z, Char_t mt=-1)
void SetTheta(Double_t theta)
void SetPhi(Double_t phi)
void SetParameter(const Char_t *name, ValType value) const
void SetEnergy(Double_t e)
Read ELIE events after secondary decay.
void define_output_filename()
virtual ~KVSimReader_ELIE_asym()
void ConvertEventsInFile(KVString filename)
Method called by constructors with KVString filename argument.
Default constructor.
Read ascii files containing events generated by Elie.
void Run(Option_t *option="recreate")
Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3....
virtual void Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
void Form(const char *fmt,...)