19 fFiltered = fGemini =
20 fGemDecayPerEvent = 1;
29 :
KVBase(filename, treeinfo), fSimDir(parent), fFiltered(
kFALSE), fEvents(treeEntries), fTreeName(treename), fBranchName(branchname)
43 :
KVBase(filename, treeinfo), fSimDir(parent), fFiltered(
kTRUE), fEvents(treeEntries), fDataSet(dataset), fSystem(system),
44 fRunNumber(run_number), fGeoType(geo_type), fTreeName(treename), fBranchName(branchname), fOrigFile(orig_file), fFiltType(filt_type)
126 else cout <<
GetName() << endl;
129 cout <<
"--infos: " <<
GetTitle() << endl;
130 cout <<
"--events: " <<
fEvents << endl;
132 cout <<
"--Filtering conditions:" << endl;
133 cout <<
"----dataset:" <<
fDataSet << endl;
134 cout <<
"----system:" <<
fSystem << endl;
136 cout <<
"----geometry:" <<
fGeoType << endl;
137 cout <<
"----filter:" <<
fFiltType << endl;
138 cout <<
ClassImp(KVPartitionList) void KVPartitionList
Base class for KaliVeda framework.
virtual void Copy(TObject &) const
Make a copy of this object.
Handle directory containing simulated and/or filtered simulated data ,.
Handle file containing simulated and/or filtered simulated data ,.
Int_t fRunNumber
run number used to filter events
const Char_t * GetBranchName() const
Bool_t fGemini
true if statistical decay calculated with Gemini++ before filter
TString fSystem
name of system used to filter events
Int_t fGemDecayPerEvent
number of Gemini decays performed per primary event
TString fDataSet
name of dataset used to filter events
TString fOrigFile
name of simulated events file filtered to generate this file
void Copy(TObject &) const
TString fGeoType
type of geometry used for filtering
Bool_t fFiltered
=kTRUE for filtered (reconstructed) simulated events
void ls(Option_t *opt="") const
TString fFiltType
type of filtering used (Geo, Geo+Thresh, or Full)
virtual ~KVSimFile()
Long64_t fEvents
=number of events in TTree
KVSimDir * fSimDir
parent directory
TString fTreeName
name of TTree
TString fBranchName
name of branch containing events
Default constructor.
const Char_t * GetTreeName() const
virtual const char * GetName() const
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
static void IndentLevel()