39 Info(
"Not possible for remote available runs files");
43 Info(
"Not possible for remote available runs files");
47 Info(
"Not possible for remote available runs files");
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Handles lists of available runs for different datasets and types of data.
Manage an experimental dataset corresponding to a given experiment or campaign.
List of available runfiles in a remote data repository.
void Add(Int_t, const Char_t *)
default Constructor
void Update(Bool_t=kFALSE)
virtual void CloseAvailableRunsFile()
virtual ~ KVRemoteAvailableRunsFile()
void Remove(Int_t, const Char_t *="")
TString fCurl
full path to executable used to copy files
TString fFilePath
full path to copy of remote file kept in temp dir
virtual Bool_t OpenAvailableRunsFile()
virtual void Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const