19 SetTitle(
56 std::cout <<
"Correct bad attribution of isotopic resolution & mass in 2nd campaign data" << std::endl;
57 std::cout << std::endl;
58 std::cout <<
"All particles identified in Phoswich detectors (Ring 1) were" << std::endl;
59 std::cout <<
"labelled as being isotopically identified." << std::endl;
60 std::cout <<
"Calculated masses were not consistent: several A for some Z" << std::endl;
61 std::cout <<
"We give single KVNucleus::kVedaMass A to all" << std::endl;
ClassImp(KVPartitionList) void KVPartitionList
Correct mass identification in 2nd campaign data.
virtual ~KVDataPatch_Camp2MassID()
virtual void PrintPatchInfo() const
virtual void ApplyToParticle(KVNucleus *)
Correction to be applied to reconstructed calibrated data.
Nuclei reconstructed from data measured in the INDRA array.
UInt_t GetRingNumber(void) const
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
void SetZ(Int_t z, Char_t mt=-1)
void SetMassFormula(UChar_t mt)
Int_t GetZ() const
Return the number of proton / atomic number.
virtual void SetAMeasured(Bool_t yes=kTRUE)
virtual Bool_t IsAMeasured() const
RooCmdArg ClassName(const char *name)