1 #ifndef KVDataAnalysisLauncher_h
2 #define KVDataAnalysisLauncher_h
61 virtual void Done(
213 virtual Bool_t WarningBox(
const char* title =
const char* msg =
Bool_t confirm = kFALSE);
#define ClassDef(name, id)
R__EXTERN TApplication * gApplication
Database class used to store information on different colliding systems studied during an experiment.
GUI for running data analysis tasks.
virtual const Char_t * GetDataSet(void)
UInt_t fMainGuiHeight
heigth of main window in pixels
virtual const Char_t * GetRepository(void)
TList * UserClassNames
list of user classes present in working directory
void SetUserClassList()
Sets the list of all available user classes in the drop down list.
const Char_t * GetSavedResource(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *defaultvalue="")
virtual void SetRepositoryList(void)
Sets the list of all possible repositories in the repository combo box.
virtual void DeselectAll(void)
Deselect all runs currently in the displayed list of runs.
void SystemSelectionChanged()
virtual void Process(void)
Run the analysis task.
void SetUserClass(const Char_t *)
TGLabel * fUserClassLabel
TGCompositeFrame * cfAnalysis
Int_t NbResNames
number of names in list
TGPictureButton * btEditClass
KVNumberList listOfSystemRuns
void DisableUserClassList()
Remove all entries from user class combo box & disable text entry.
TList * ResourceNames
used by Get/SetResource
virtual void SetUserIncludes(void)
Set the User's includes.
Bool_t SetBatchParameters()
KVDBSystem * lastSelectedSystem
void UserClassSelected(char *)
TGComboBox * cbRepository
TString SystemBatchName()
Get the system name for the batch name.
virtual void SetRepository(const Char_t *r="")
unique_ptr< TList > list_of_runs
void EnableUserClassList()
virtual void SetRuns(const Char_t *s="")
virtual void SetRunsList()
Sets the list of all available runs in the runs list box.
const Char_t * GetResource(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *defaultvalue="")
void ClearListOfSelectedRuns()
Empty displayed list of selected runs.
virtual void SetSystemList(Int_t s)
virtual void EnterRunlist(void)
void SetResource(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *value)
void EditUserClassFiles()
virtual Bool_t WarningBox(const char *title="Warning", const char *msg="Warning", Bool_t confirm=kFALSE)
TGTextButton * doBatchParams
void FillListOfUserClasses()
virtual void SelectAll(void)
Select all runs currently in the displayed list of runs.
virtual const Char_t * GetRuns(void)
void BuildResourceName(const Char_t *name, TString &, TString &)
KVDataSetAnalyser * GetDataAnalyser(KVDataAnalysisTask *task=0)
virtual const Char_t * GetTask(void)
virtual Bool_t IsBatch(void)
KVDataAnalysisLauncher(const TGWindow *p=0, UInt_t w=200, UInt_t h=400)
const Char_t * GetUserClass()
Returns currently selected user class name.
virtual void SetDataSet(const Char_t *ds="")
virtual void SetUserLibraries(void)
Set the User's libraries.
TEnv * GUIenv
Declaration des boutons de la fenetre principale.
TGTextEntry * teUserOptions
TGNumberEntry * teNbToRead
virtual const Char_t * GetSystem(void)
void UpdateListOfSelectedRuns()
void GenerateNewUserClass()
virtual void SetSystem(const Char_t *s="")
UInt_t fMainGuiWidth
width of main window in pixels
KVNameValueList fBatchParameters
virtual void SetDataSetList(Char_t *s)
Sets the list of all available data sets in the data sets combo box.
virtual void SetTaskList(Char_t *s)
virtual void SetTask(const Char_t *t="")
Define and manage data analysis tasks.
Pilots user analysis of experimental data.
Directory dialogue box for KVDataAnalysisLauncher.
virtual void Init(TString &fileList, const Char_t *title)
init window
virtual Char_t * GetFileFromDialog(void)
Gets the file name from a TGFileDialog.
virtual Bool_t CanAdd(const Char_t *s)
tells whether the file in ths string fn can be added to the list box
KVGDirectoryList(TString &st, const Char_t *titre="File list", const TGWindow *p=0, const TGWindow *main=0, Bool_t ok=kTRUE)
File dialogue box for KVDataAnalysisLauncher.
virtual void Done(void)
build the file list string from the content of the TGListBox
virtual Bool_t CanAdd(const Char_t *s)
tells whether the file in ths string fn can be added to the list box
virtual void AddFile(void)
virtual void Init(TString &fileList, const Char_t *title)
Init window.
virtual Char_t * GetFileFromDialog(void)
Gets the file name from a TGFileDialog.
TGTextButton * boutAllRem
virtual void RemoveFiles(void)
Remove all the selected files from the TGListBox.
KVGFileList(TString &st, const Char_t *titre="File list", const TGWindow *p=0, const TGWindow *main=0, Bool_t ok=kTRUE)
virtual void RemoveAllFiles(void)
Remove all the files from the TGListBox.
virtual void InitFileList()
Enhanced version of ROOT TGListView widget.
Handles lists of named parameters with different types, a list of KVNamedParameter objects.
Strings used to represent a set of ranges of values.
virtual void Terminate(Int_t status=0)
void SetReturnFromRun(Bool_t ret)
void box(Int_t pat, Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
int main(int argc, char **argv)