KaliVeda  1.13/01
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
Modules | Classes
Core Classes

Set of base classes and utilities.


 Base ROOT classes


class  Binary_t< T >
 Binary numbers, bit manipulations, etc. More...
class  KVSQLite::database
 Interface to ROOT SQLite database backend ,. More...
class  Hexa_t
 Hexadecimal numbers. More...
class  KVBase
 Base class for KaliVeda framework. More...
class  KVClassFactory
 Factory class for generating skeleton files for new classes. More...
class  KVClassMonitor
 Simple tool to track which classes instance count increases over time. More...
class  KVColouredBase
 A basic coloured object for couloured list views. More...
class  KVDataBase
 Simple cross-referenced database structure. More...
class  KVDataBranchHandler
 Handles TTree branches for storing member variables of classes. More...
class  KVDatedFileManager
 Handles a set of different versions of files with the same base name and a timestamp. More...
class  KVDatime
 Extension of TDatime to handle various useful date formats. More...
class  KVDBKey
 Cross-reference in a KVDataBase. More...
class  KVDBParameterList
 To store calibration parameters in a database ,. More...
class  KVDBParameterSet
 To store calibration parameters in a database ,. More...
class  KVDBRecord
 Record folder for the database. More...
class  KVDBTable
 Table in a database. More...
class  KVEnv
 Extension of TEnv to allow the writing of comments in the file. More...
class  KVFileReader
 Handle reading columns of numeric data in text files. More...
class  KVGELogReader
 Read GE (Grid Engine) log files to extract status of batch jobs. More...
class  KVHashList
 Extended version of ROOT THashList. More...
class  KVList
 Extended TList class which owns its objects by default. More...
class  KVLockfile
 Interface to (Linux) system lockfile command. More...
class  KVLogReader
 Base class for reading batch log files at CC-IN2P3. More...
class  KVMemoryChunk
 Memory handled by KVMemoryPool. More...
class  KVMemoryPool
 Managed pool of memory. More...
class  KVNamedParameter
 A generic named parameter storing values of different types. More...
class  KVNameValueList
 Handles lists of named parameters with different types, a list of KVNamedParameter objects. More...
class  KVRList
 Wrapper for TRefArray adding some functionality. More...
class  KVRunListLine
 Base class for reading runlists for experiments ,. More...
class  KVSeqCollection
 KaliVeda extensions to ROOT collection classes. More...
class  KVSortableDatedFile
 A filename with an SQL-format date extension which can be used to sort a list according to date. More...
class  KVString
 Extension of ROOT TString class which allows backwards compatibility with ROOT v3.10/02 onwards. More...
class  KVSystemDirectory
 Extension of ROOT TSystemDirectory class, handling browsing directories on disk. More...
class  KVSystemFile
 Extended ROOT TSystemFile with added info on file size etc. More...
class  KVTarArchive
 Handles directories stored in .tgz archive files. More...
class  KVUnownedList
 Extended TList class which does not own its objects by default. More...
class  KVValueRange< ValueType >
 Range of values specified by minimum, maximum. More...