Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for KVReconstructedEvent, including all inherited members.
AbstractMethod(const char *method) const | TObject | |
AddNucleus() | KVEvent | |
AddParticle() | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
AddToTObjectTable(TObject *) | TObject | privatestatic |
AnalyseDetectors(TList *kvtl) | KVReconstructedEvent | virtual |
AppendPad(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
AreEqual(Double_t x, Double_t y, Long64_t maxdif=1) | KVBase | static |
BackupFileWithDate(const Char_t *path) | KVBase | static |
begin() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
Browse(TBrowser *b) | TObject | virtual |
CalibrateEvent() | KVReconstructedEvent | virtual |
ChangeDefaultFrame(const Char_t *newdef, const Char_t *defname="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
ChangeFrame(const KVFrameTransform &ft, const KVString &name="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
CheckedHash() | TObject | |
ClassName() const | TObject | virtual |
Clear(Option_t *opt="") | KVEvent | inlinevirtual |
Clone(const char *newname="") const | TNamed | virtual |
CombineFiles(const Char_t *file1, const Char_t *file2, const Char_t *newfilename, Bool_t keep=kTRUE) | KVBase | static |
Compare(const TObject *obj) const | TNamed | virtual |
ConditionalIterator(const KVTemplateParticleCondition< KVReconstructedNucleus > &c) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
Copy(TObject &obj) const | KVEvent | virtual |
CustomStreamer() | KVEvent | inline |
DefineGroup(const Char_t *groupname, const Char_t *from="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
DefineGroup(const Char_t *groupname, KVTemplateParticleCondition< KVReconstructedNucleus > *cond, const Char_t *from="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
Delete(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
Deprecated(const char *method, const char *advice) | KVBase | static |
DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py) | TObject | virtual |
DoError(int level, const char *location, const char *fmt, va_list va) const | TObject | protectedvirtual |
Draw(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
DrawClass() const | TObject | virtual |
DrawClone(Option_t *option="") const | TObject | virtual |
Dump() const | TObject | virtual |
EDeprecatedStatusBits enum name | TObject | |
EKaliVedaBits enum name | KVBase | |
end() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
EStatusBits enum name | TObject | |
Execute(const char *method, const char *params, Int_t *error=0) | TObject | virtual |
Execute(TMethod *method, TObjArray *params, Int_t *error=0) | TObject | virtual |
ExecuteEvent(Int_t event, Int_t px, Int_t py) | TObject | virtual |
Factory(const char *plugin) | KVEvent | inlinestatic |
Fatal(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
fBits | TObject | private |
fEnvIsInit | KVBase | privatestatic |
fgDtorOnly | TObject | privatestatic |
fgObjectStat | TObject | privatestatic |
FillBuffer(char *&buffer) | TNamed | virtual |
FillHisto(TH1 *h, const Char_t *Nucleus_method, Option_t *opt="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
FillHisto(TH1 *h, const Char_t *Nucleus_method, const Char_t *method_prototype, const Char_t *args, Option_t *opt="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
FillIntegerList(KVIntegerList *IL, Option_t *opt) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
FindClassSourceFiles(const Char_t *class_name, KVString &imp_file, KVString &dec_file, const Char_t *dir_name=".") | KVBase | static |
FindExecutable(TString &exec, const Char_t *path="$(PATH)") | KVBase | static |
FindFile(const Char_t *search, TString &wfil) | KVBase | static |
FindObject(const char *name) const | TObject | virtual |
FindObject(const TObject *obj) const | TObject | virtual |
fIter | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | mutableprotected |
fLabel | KVBase | protected |
fMeanAngles | KVReconstructedEvent | private |
fName | TNamed | protected |
fNbObj | KVBase | privatestatic |
fNumber | KVBase | private |
fParameters | KVEvent | protected |
fParticles | KVEvent | protected |
fPartSeedCond | KVReconstructedEvent | private |
fTitle | TNamed | protected |
fUniqueID | TObject | private |
fWorkingDirectory | KVBase | privatestatic |
get_channel_qvalue() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
get_channel_qvalue() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
get_partition_name() | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
get_partition_name() | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetBINDIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
GetChannelQValue() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetDATABASEFilePath() | KVBase | static |
GetDATADIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
GetDataSetEnv(const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, const Char_t *defval) | KVBase | static |
GetDataSetEnv(const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, Double_t defval) | KVBase | static |
GetDataSetEnv(const Char_t *dataset, const Char_t *type, Bool_t defval) | KVBase | static |
GetDrawOption() const | TObject | virtual |
GetDtorOnly() | TObject | static |
GetETCDIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
GetExampleFilePath(const Char_t *library, const Char_t *namefile) | KVBase | static |
GetFrameName() const | KVEvent | inline |
GetGSChannelQValue() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetGSMasses(std::vector< Double_t > &mass) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetIconName() const | TObject | virtual |
GetINCDIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
GetKVBuildDate() | KVBase | static |
GetKVBuildDir() | KVBase | static |
GetKVBuildTime() | KVBase | static |
GetKVBuildType() | KVBase | static |
GetKVBuildUser() | KVBase | static |
GetKVSourceDir() | KVBase | static |
GetKVVersion() | KVBase | static |
GetLabel() const | KVBase | inline |
GetLIBDIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
GetListOfPlugins(const Char_t *base) | KVBase | static |
GetListOfPluginURIs(const Char_t *base) | KVBase | static |
GetMasses(std::vector< Double_t > &mass) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetMinimumOKMultiplicity() const | KVEvent | inline |
GetMult(Option_t *opt="") const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetMultiplicities(Int_t mult[], const TString &species, Option_t *opt="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetMultiplicity(Int_t Z, Int_t A=0, Option_t *opt="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetName() const | TNamed | virtual |
GetNextNucleus(Option_t *opt="") const | KVEvent | |
GetNextParticle(Option_t *opt="") const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetNextParticleIterator(Option_t *opt) const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetNucleus(Int_t npart) const | KVEvent | |
GetNumber() const | KVBase | inline |
GetNumberOfObjects() const | KVBase | inline |
GetObject() const | KVBase | virtual |
GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const | TObject | virtual |
GetObjectStat() | TObject | static |
GetOption() const | TObject | virtual |
GetParameters() const | KVEvent | inline |
GetParticle(Int_t npart) const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetParticle(const Char_t *group_name) const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetParticleArray() const | KVEvent | inline |
GetParticleWithName(const Char_t *name) const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetPartitionName() | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetPartSeedCond() const | KVReconstructedEvent | inlinevirtual |
GetPluginURI(const Char_t *base, const Char_t *plugin) | KVBase | static |
GetSum(const Char_t *Nucleus_method, Option_t *opt="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
GetSum(const Char_t *Nucleus_method, const Char_t *method_prototype, const Char_t *args, Option_t *opt="") | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
GetTempFileName(TString &base) | KVBase | static |
GetTEMPLATEDIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
GetTitle() const | TNamed | virtual |
GetType() const | KVBase | inlinevirtual |
GetUniqueID() const | TObject | virtual |
GetWORKDIRFilePath(const Char_t *namefile="") | KVBase | static |
gitBranch() | KVBase | static |
gitCommit() | KVBase | static |
HandleTimer(TTimer *timer) | TObject | virtual |
Hash() const | TNamed | virtual |
HasInconsistentHash() const | TObject | |
HasLabel() const | KVBase | inline |
HasMeanAngles() | KVReconstructedEvent | inline |
HasRandomAngles() | KVReconstructedEvent | inline |
IdentifyEvent() | KVReconstructedEvent | virtual |
Info(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const | TObject | virtual |
InheritsFrom(const TClass *cl) const | TObject | virtual |
init() | KVReconstructedEvent | |
InitEnvironment() | KVBase | static |
Inspect() const | TObject | virtual |
InvertBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | |
is_gnuinstall() | KVBase | inlinestatic |
IsCalled(const Char_t *name) const | KVBase | inlinevirtual |
IsEqual(const TObject *obj) const | TObject | virtual |
IsFolder() const | TObject | virtual |
IsLabelled(const Char_t *l) const | KVBase | inline |
IsOK() const | KVEvent | inlinevirtual |
IsOnHeap() const | TObject | |
IsSortable() const | TNamed | virtual |
IsThisAPlugin(const TString &uri, TString &base) | KVBase | static |
IsType(const Char_t *typ) const | KVBase | inlinevirtual |
IsZombie() const | TObject | |
kBitMask | TObject | |
kCanDelete | TObject | |
kCannotPick | TObject | |
kHasUUID | TObject | |
kInconsistent | TObject | |
kInvalidObject | TObject | |
kIsKaliVedaObject enum value | KVBase | |
kIsOnHeap | TObject | |
kIsReferenced | TObject | |
kMustCleanup | TObject | |
kNoContextMenu | TObject | |
kNotDeleted | TObject | |
kObjInCanvas | TObject | |
kOnlyPrepStep | TObject | protected |
kOverwrite | TObject | |
kSingleKey | TObject | |
KVBase() | KVBase | |
KVBase(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *title="") | KVBase | |
KVBase(const KVBase &) | KVBase | |
KVEvent(const TClass *particle_class, Int_t mult=50) | KVEvent | inline |
KVReconstructedEvent(Int_t mult=50) | KVReconstructedEvent | |
KVTemplateEvent(Int_t mult=50) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
kWriteDelete | TObject | |
kZombie | TObject | |
List() | KVBase | inlinevirtual |
LoadPlugin(const Char_t *base, const Char_t *uri="0") | KVBase | static |
ls(Option_t *="") const | KVReconstructedEvent | virtual |
MakeEventBranch(TTree *tree, const TString &branchname, T &event, Int_t bufsize=10000000) | KVEvent | inlinestatic |
MakeZombie() | TObject | protected |
MayNotUse(const char *method) const | TObject | |
MergeEventFragments(TCollection *, Option_t *opt="") | KVReconstructedEvent | virtual |
Notify() | TObject | virtual |
Obsolete(const char *method, const char *asOfVers, const char *removedFromVers) const | TObject | |
OpenContextMenu(const char *method, TObject *obj, const char *alt_method_name="") | KVBase | static |
OpenTempFile(TString &base, std::ofstream &fp) | KVBase | static |
operator delete(void *ptr) | TObject | |
operator delete[](void *ptr) | TObject | |
operator new(size_t sz) | TObject | |
operator new(size_t sz, void *vp) | TObject | |
operator new[](size_t sz) | TObject | |
operator new[](size_t sz, void *vp) | TObject | |
operator=(const KVBase &) | KVBase | |
TNamed::operator=(const TNamed &rhs) | TNamed | |
TObject::operator=(const TObject &rhs) | TObject | |
Paint(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
Pop() | TObject | virtual |
Print(Option_t *t="") const | KVReconstructedEvent | virtual |
PrintSplashScreen() | KVBase | static |
ProtectedGetX(const TF1 *func, Double_t val, int &status, Double_t xmin=0.0, Double_t xmax=0.0) const | KVBase | |
Read(const char *name) | TObject | virtual |
ReadConfigFiles() | KVBase | privatestatic |
ReadGUIMimeTypes() | KVBase | privatestatic |
RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj) | TObject | virtual |
ResetBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | |
ResetEnergies() | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
ResetGetNextNucleus() const | KVEvent | inline |
ResetGetNextParticle() const | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
SaveAs(const char *filename="", Option_t *option="") const | TObject | virtual |
SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
SearchAndOpenKVFile(const Char_t *name, KVSQLite::database &dbfile, const Char_t *kvsubdir="") | KVBase | static |
SearchAndOpenKVFile(const Char_t *name, std::ifstream &file, const Char_t *kvsubdir="", KVLockfile *locks=0) | KVBase | static |
SearchAndOpenKVFile(const Char_t *name, std::ofstream &file, const Char_t *kvsubdir="", KVLockfile *locks=0) | KVBase | static |
SearchKVFile(const Char_t *name, TString &fullpath, const Char_t *kvsubdir="") | KVBase | static |
SecondaryIdentCalib() | KVReconstructedEvent | inlinevirtual |
SetBit(UInt_t f) | TObject | |
SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set) | TObject | |
SetDrawOption(Option_t *option="") | TObject | virtual |
SetDtorOnly(void *obj) | TObject | static |
SetFrame(const Char_t *frame, const KVFrameTransform &ft) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
SetFrame(const Char_t *newframe, const Char_t *oldframe, const KVFrameTransform &ft) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
SetFrameName(const KVString &name) | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inlinevirtual |
SetLabel(const Char_t *lab) | KVBase | inline |
SetMinimumOKMultiplicity(Int_t x) | KVEvent | inline |
SetName(const char *name) | TNamed | virtual |
SetNameTitle(const char *name, const char *title) | TNamed | virtual |
SetNumber(UInt_t num) | KVBase | inlinevirtual |
SetObjectStat(Bool_t stat) | TObject | static |
SetParameter(const Char_t *name, ValType value) const | KVEvent | inline |
SetPartSeedCond(const Char_t *cond) | KVReconstructedEvent | inlinevirtual |
SetTitle(const char *title="") | TNamed | virtual |
SetType(const Char_t *str) | KVBase | inlinevirtual |
SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid) | TObject | virtual |
Sizeof() const | TNamed | virtual |
SysError(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
TestBit(UInt_t f) const | TObject | |
TestBits(UInt_t f) const | TObject | |
TNamed() | TNamed | |
TNamed(const char *name, const char *title) | TNamed | |
TNamed(const TNamed &named) | TNamed | |
TNamed(const TString &name, const TString &title) | TNamed | |
TObject() | TObject | |
TObject(const TObject &object) | TObject | |
UpdateAllFrames() | KVTemplateEvent< KVReconstructedNucleus > | inline |
UseCurrentStyle() | TObject | virtual |
UseMeanAngles() | KVReconstructedEvent | inline |
UseRandomAngles() | KVReconstructedEvent | inline |
Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const | TObject | virtual |
WorkingDirectory() | KVBase | inlinestatic |
Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) | TObject | virtual |
Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0) const | TObject | virtual |
~ KVBase() | KVBase | virtual |
~ KVReconstructedEvent() | KVReconstructedEvent | inlinevirtual |
~KVEvent() | KVEvent | inlinevirtual |
~TNamed() | TNamed | virtual |
~TObject() | TObject | virtual |