KaliVeda  1.13/01
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit

Example of use of the KVRungeKutta class

Implementation of a classical trajectory calculation for heavy ion collisions

Friction parameter

alpha=240 gives maximum fusion X-section for 40Ca+60Ni@6MeV/u (bfus<=5.25fm: 866mb)

alpha=750 gives 66mb of fusion for 84Kr(605 MeV)+238U

//Created by KVClassFactory on Thu Jun 24 14:22:17 2010
//Author: John Frankland,,,
#ifndef __ClassTraj_H
#define __ClassTraj_H
#include "KVRungeKutta.h"
#include "TArc.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TMarker.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TLatex.h"
class ClassTraj : public KVRungeKutta {
Double_t* coords;
Double_t* RP;
Double_t* RT;
Double_t* VP;
Double_t* VT;
Double_t RCM[2];
Double_t VCM[2];
Double_t ELAB, E0;
Double_t alpha;//friction parameter
//CM trajectory
TArc* ProjARC;
TArc* TargARC;
TGraph* ProjTRAJ;
Int_t nTRAJPoints;
TCanvas* CMPositionPad;
TLatex* infox;
//lab trajectory
TArc* ProjARClab;
TArc* TargARClab;
TGraph* ProjTRAJlab;
TCanvas* LabPositionPad;
Int_t nTRAJPointslab;
Double_t minDist;
Double_t EtotDeb, EtotFin, TKEL, TKE, VPOT;
Double_t ThetaProjLab, absThetaProjLab;
Double_t EProjLab;
Double_t ImpactParameter;
Double_t AngMom, RotationAngle;
Bool_t fused, inelastic, incoming, interacting, outgoing;
Double_t tcon, tsep, RotationTime;
Double_t randomX;
TString sysName;
TString colName;
TFile* theFile;
TTree* theTree;
Bool_t fVisualization;//true = show trajectories
ClassTraj(const KVNucleus& proj, const KVNucleus& targ, Bool_t viz = kTRUE);
virtual ~ClassTraj();
void SetViz(Bool_t on = kTRUE)
fVisualization = on;
void InitTrajectory(Double_t b, Double_t e, Double_t a = 0);
Double_t dr(Double_t* rp, Double_t* rt) const
return sqrt(pow(rp[0] - rt[0], 2) + pow(rp[1] - rt[1], 2));
Double_t dv(Double_t* vp, Double_t* vt) const
return sqrt(pow(vp[0] - vt[0], 2) + pow(vp[1] - vt[1], 2));
Double_t dr_x(Double_t* rp, Double_t* rt) const
// x-component of unit vector from target to projectile
return (rp[0] - rt[0]) / dr(rp, rt);
Double_t dr_y(Double_t* rp, Double_t* rt) const
// y-component of unit vector from target to projectile
return (rp[1] - rt[1]) / dr(rp, rt);
Double_t dv_x(Double_t* vp, Double_t* vt) const
// x-component of unit vector from target to projectile
return (vp[0] - vt[0]) / dv(vp, vt);
Double_t dv_y(Double_t* vp, Double_t* vt) const
// y-component of unit vector from target to projectile
return (vp[1] - vt[1]) / dv(vp, vt);
void UpdateARCPositions(Double_t time);
Double_t ThetaLabProj()
(VP[0] + VCM[0]) /
sqrt(pow(VP[0] + VCM[0], 2) + pow(VP[1] + VCM[1], 2))), VP[1] + VCM[1]);
Double_t ELabProj()
return 0.5 * fWilcke.GetAP() * KVNucleus::u() * (pow(VP[0] + VCM[0], 2) + pow(VP[1] + VCM[1], 2));
Double_t TotalAngularMomentum()
Double_t lz = dv_x(VP, VT) * dr_y(RP, RT) - dv_y(VP, VT) * dr_x(RP, RT);
lz *= fWilcke.GetMu() * KVNucleus::u() * dr(RP, RT) * dv(VP, VT) / KVNucleus::hbar;
return lz;
Double_t TotalEnergy() const;
virtual void CalcDerivs(Double_t /*X*/, Double_t* /*Y*/, Double_t* /*DY/DX*/);
void Run(Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt);
void Reset()
// Reset visualization ready for new trajectories calculation
if (CMPositionPad) delete CMPositionPad;
if (LabPositionPad) delete LabPositionPad;
if (!ProjARC) {
ProjARC = new TArc(0, 0, fWilcke.GetCP());
if (!TargARC) {
TargARC = new TArc(0, 0, fWilcke.GetCT());
if (!ProjARClab) {
ProjARClab = new TArc(0, 0, 2 * fWilcke.GetCP());
if (!TargARClab) {
TargARClab = new TArc(0, 0, 2 * fWilcke.GetCT());
CMPositionPad = new TCanvas("CMPOS", "CM Positions", 800, 500);
CMPositionPad->DrawFrame(-50, -40, 50, 40);
TMarker* cmark = new TMarker(0, 0, 2);
TArc* rint = new TArc(0, 0, fWilcke.GetRint());
if (infox) delete infox;
infox = new TLatex;
UpdateInfos(0, 0);
LabPositionPad = new TCanvas("LABPOS", "Lab Positions", 800, 500);
LabPositionPad->DrawFrame(-50, -300, 550, 300); //(-100,-80, 100,80);
cmark = new TMarker(0, 0, 2);
void UpdateInfos(Double_t b, Double_t time)
if (infox) {
if (outgoing)infox->SetText(-40, -30, Form("b=%.1ffm t=%.0ffm/c OUTGOING", b, time));
else if (incoming)infox->SetText(-40, -30, Form("b=%.1ffm t=%.0ffm/c INCOMING", b, time));
else if (interacting)infox->SetText(-40, -30, Form("b=%.1ffm t=%.0ffm/c INTERACTING", b, time));
else infox->SetText(-40, -30, Form("b=%.1ffm t=%.0ffm/c", b, time));
void CalcTrajectories(Double_t e, Double_t bmin, Double_t bmax, Double_t db, Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt, Double_t friction = 0);
void CalcTrajectories(Double_t e, Int_t ntraj, Double_t bmin, Double_t bmax, Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt, Double_t friction = 0);
void InitTree(Double_t e);
void DoOneTraj(Double_t tmin, Double_t friction, Double_t b, Double_t e, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt);
ClassDef(ClassTraj, 0) //Classical trajectory for heavy ion collisions
int Int_t
#define b(i)
#define e(i)
bool Bool_t
double Double_t
const Bool_t kTRUE
#define ClassDef(name, id)
double acos(double)
double pow(double, double)
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
Definition: KVNucleus.h:125
static Double_t hbar
hbar*c in MeV.fm
Definition: KVNucleus.h:172
static Double_t u(void)
Definition: KVNucleus.cpp:1750
Adaptive step-size 4th order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator from Numerical Recipes.
Definition: KVRungeKutta.h:49
virtual void CalcDerivs(Double_t X, Double_t *Y, Double_t *DYDX)=0
Reaction parameters for heavy-ion collisions from systematics of Wilcke et al.
virtual void SetFillColor(Color_t fcolor)
virtual void SetFillStyle(Style_t fstyle)
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle)
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
virtual void Draw(Option_t *option="")
TH1F * DrawFrame(Double_t xmin, Double_t ymin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymax, const char *title="") override
virtual void SetText(Double_t x, Double_t y, const char *text)
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > sqrt(const SVector< T, D > &rhs)
Double_t Sign(Double_t a, Double_t b)
constexpr Double_t RadToDeg()
auto * a
//Created by KVClassFactory on Thu Jun 24 14:22:17 2010
//Author: John Frankland,,,
#include "ClassTraj.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
using namespace std;
#include "KVTreeAnalyzer.h"
ClassTraj::ClassTraj(const KVNucleus& proj, const KVNucleus& targ, Bool_t viz)
: KVRungeKutta(8), fWilcke(proj, targ), fVisualization(viz)
// 2-D problem
// x-axis = beam
// y-axis = impact parameter
// projectile comes from -x direction
alpha = 0;
coords = new Double_t [8];
RP = coords;
RT = coords + 2;
VP = coords + 4;
VT = coords + 6;
sysName.Form("%s + %s", proj.GetSymbol(), targ.GetSymbol());
colName.Form("%s%s", proj.GetSymbol(), targ.GetSymbol());
CMPositionPad = LabPositionPad = 0;
ProjARC = TargARC = ProjARClab = TargARClab = 0;
infox = 0;
if (fVisualization) Reset();
void ClassTraj::UpdateARCPositions(Double_t t)
ProjTRAJ->SetPoint(nTRAJPoints++, RP[0], RP[1]);
ProjARClab->SetX1(RP[0] + RCM[0] + VCM[0]*t);
ProjARClab->SetY1(RP[1] + RCM[1] + VCM[1]*t);
TargARClab->SetX1(RT[0] + RCM[0] + VCM[0]*t);
TargARClab->SetY1(RT[1] + RCM[1] + VCM[1]*t);
ProjTRAJlab->SetPoint(nTRAJPointslab++, RP[0] + RCM[0] + VCM[0]*t, RP[1] + RCM[1] + VCM[1]*t);
delete [] coords;
void ClassTraj::InitTrajectory(Double_t b, Double_t e, Double_t fric)
// set up trajectory with impact parameter b
// energy e mev/nucleon
if (fVisualization)UpdateInfos(b, 0);
alpha = fric;
if (fVisualization) {
ProjTRAJ = new TGraph;
ProjTRAJlab = new TGraph;
ELAB = e;
Double_t R0 = minDist;
// lab coordinates
RP[0] = -R0;
RP[1] = b;
RT[0] = RT[1] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
RCM[i] = (fWilcke.GetAP() * RP[i] + fWilcke.GetAT() * RT[i]) / (1.*fWilcke.GetAC());
RP[i] -= RCM[i];
RT[i] -= RCM[i];
// cout << "CENTRE OF MASS : (" << RCM[0] << "," << RCM[1] << ")" << endl;
// cout << "INITIAL DISTANCE :" << dr(RP,RT) << " fm" << endl;
// cout << "INITIAL POSITIONS :" << endl;
// cout << " PROJECTILE : (" << RP[0] << "," << RP[1] << ")" << endl;
// cout << " TARGET : (" << RT[0] << "," << RT[1] << ")" << endl;
// cout << "POTENTIAL ENERGY : " << fWilcke.GetTotalPotential()->Eval(dr(RP,RT)) << " MeV" << endl;
// cout << "CM TOTAL ENERGY : " << fWilcke.ECM(ELAB) << " MeV" << endl;
E0 = fWilcke.ECM(ELAB) - fWilcke.GetTotalPotential()->Eval(dr(RP, RT));
// cout << "INITIAL CM KINETIC ENERGY : " << E0 << " MeV" << endl;
Double_t V0 = sqrt(2.*E0 / fWilcke.GetMu() / KVNucleus::kAMU);
// cout << "INITIAL PROJECTILE VELOCITY : " << V0*KVNucleus::C() << " cm/ns" << endl;
// lab velocities
VP[0] = V0;
VP[1] = VT[0] = VT[1] = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
VCM[i] = (fWilcke.GetAP() * VP[i] + fWilcke.GetAT() * VT[i]) / (1.*fWilcke.GetAC());
VP[i] -= VCM[i];
VT[i] -= VCM[i];
// cout << "CENTRE OF MASS VELOCITY : " << VCM[0]*KVNucleus::C() << " cm/ns" << endl;
// cout << "INITIAL CM VELOCITIES :" << endl;
// cout << " PROJECTILE : " << VP[0]*KVNucleus::C() << " cm/ns" << endl;
// cout << " TARGET : " << VT[0]*KVNucleus::C() << " cm/ns" << endl;
if (fVisualization) {
nTRAJPoints = 0;
nTRAJPointslab = 0;
void ClassTraj::CalcDerivs(Double_t t, Double_t* Y, Double_t* DYDX)
Double_t* rp = Y;
Double_t* rt = Y + 2;
Double_t* vp = Y + 4;
Double_t* vt = Y + 6;
Double_t* drp = DYDX;
Double_t* drt = DYDX + 2;
Double_t* dvp = DYDX + 4;
Double_t* dvt = DYDX + 6;
Double_t distance = dr(rp, rt);
Double_t uv_x = dr_x(rp, rt);
Double_t uv_y = dr_y(rp, rt);
Double_t Force = -fWilcke.GetTotalPotential()->Derivative(distance);
if (TMath::IsNaN(Force)) Force = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
drp[i] = vp[i];
drt[i] = vt[i];
Double_t fp = Force / (fWilcke.GetAP() * KVNucleus::kAMU);
dvp[0] = fp * uv_x;
dvp[1] = fp * uv_y;
Double_t ft = -Force / (fWilcke.GetAT() * KVNucleus::kAMU);
dvt[0] = ft * uv_x;
dvt[1] = ft * uv_y;
if (fInitialDeriv) {
if (distance <= minDist)minDist = distance;
if (incoming && distance < fWilcke.GetRint() + 10.) {
incoming = kFALSE;
interacting = kTRUE;
else if (interacting && distance > fWilcke.GetRint() + 10.) {
interacting = kFALSE;
outgoing = kTRUE;
if (tcon < 0 && distance < fWilcke.GetRint()) tcon = t;
if (tcon > 0 && tsep < 0) {
if (t > tcon && distance > fWilcke.GetRint()) tsep = t;
// friction force
if (alpha > 0) {
if (fInitialDeriv) {
// draw random number with mean=0 and sigma=1
randomX = gRandom->Gaus();
if (distance < fWilcke.GetRint()) {
Double_t vrel = dv(vp, vt);
Double_t vv_x = dv_x(vp, vt);
Double_t vv_y = dv_y(vp, vt);
Double_t vpar = vrel * (vv_x * uv_x + vv_y * uv_y);
Double_t FRICTION = -alpha * vpar;
Double_t fforce = FRICTION * randomX + FRICTION;
fp = fforce / (fWilcke.GetAP() * KVNucleus::kAMU);
dvp[0] += fp * (uv_x);
dvp[1] += fp * (uv_y);
ft = -fforce / (fWilcke.GetAT() * KVNucleus::kAMU);
dvt[0] += ft * (uv_x);
dvt[1] += ft * (uv_y);
void ClassTraj::Run(Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt)
// Perform the simulation from time 'tmin' to 'tmax'.
Double_t Time = tmin;
tcon = tsep = -1.;
incoming = kTRUE;
interacting = kFALSE;
outgoing = kFALSE;
while (Time < tmax) {
//cout << "ETOT = " << TotalEnergy() << endl;
// take Runge-Kutta step from Time to Time+dt
if (outgoing) {
dt *= 1.5;
if (Time + dt > tmax) {
dt = tmax - Time;
Integrate(coords, Time, Time + dt, dt);
Time += dt;
if (fVisualization) {
UpdateInfos(ImpactParameter, Time);
if (fVisualization) {
Double_t ClassTraj::TotalEnergy() const
Double_t ekin = 0.5 * KVNucleus::u() * (
fWilcke.GetAP() * (VP[0] * VP[0] + VP[1] * VP[1])
+ fWilcke.GetAT() * (VT[0] * VT[0] + VT[1] * VT[1]));
Double_t epot = fWilcke.GetTotalPotential()->Eval(dr(RP, RT));
return ekin + epot;
void ClassTraj::CalcTrajectories(Double_t e, Double_t bmin, Double_t bmax, Double_t db, Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt, Double_t friction)
alpha = friction;
for (Double_t b = bmin; b <= bmax; b += db) {
DoOneTraj(tmin, friction, b, e, tmax, dt);
void ClassTraj::InitTree(Double_t e)
TString simTitle = Form("%s %f MeV/u (alpha=%f)", sysName.Data(), e, alpha);
TString filename = Form("ClassTraj_%s_%fAMeV_alpha%f.root", colName.Data(), e, alpha);
theFile = new TFile(filename, "recreate");
theTree = new TTree("ClassTrajSim", simTitle);
theTree->Branch("ImpactParameter", &ImpactParameter);
theTree->Branch("AngMom", &AngMom);
theTree->Branch("TKEL", &TKEL);
theTree->Branch("TKE", &TKE);
theTree->Branch("VPOT", &VPOT);
theTree->Branch("minDist", &minDist);
theTree->Branch("ThetaProjLab", &ThetaProjLab);
theTree->Branch("absThetaProjLab", &absThetaProjLab);
theTree->Branch("EProjLab", &EProjLab);
theTree->Branch("fused", &fused);
theTree->Branch("inelastic", &inelastic);
theTree->Branch("RotationTime", &RotationTime);
theTree->Branch("RotationAngle", &RotationAngle);
theTree->Branch("tcon", &tcon);
theTree->Branch("tsep", &tsep);
void ClassTraj::DoOneTraj(Double_t tmin, Double_t friction, Double_t b, Double_t e, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt)
minDist = 500;
InitTrajectory(b, e, friction);
ImpactParameter = b;
AngMom = fWilcke.k(e) * b;
Run(tmin, tmax, dt);
ThetaProjLab = ThetaLabProj();
EProjLab = ELabProj();
absThetaProjLab = abs(ThetaProjLab);
TKE = TotalEnergy();
TKEL = fWilcke.ECM(ELAB) - TKE;
RotationTime = (tsep > 0 ? tsep - tcon : tmax - tcon);
VPOT = fWilcke.GetTotalPotential()->Eval(dr(RP, RT));
inelastic = fused = kFALSE;
if (dr(RP, RT) < fWilcke.GetRint()) fused = kTRUE;
if (TKEL > 1.e-4 && !fused) inelastic = kTRUE;
//cout << "Trot="<<RotationTime<<"fm/c L="<<AngMom<<"hbar Rmin="<<minDist<<"fm"<<endl;
Double_t Period = 2 * TMath::Pi() * fWilcke.GetMu() * KVNucleus::kAMU * minDist * minDist / (AngMom * KVNucleus::hbar);
RotationAngle = 2 * TMath::Pi() * RotationTime / Period * TMath::RadToDeg();
//cout<<"Period = "<<Period<<"fm/c -- Angle turned = "<<RotationAngle<<"deg."<<endl;
void ClassTraj::CalcTrajectories(Double_t e, Int_t ntraj, Double_t bmin, Double_t bmax, Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t dt, Double_t friction)
alpha = friction;
while (ntraj--) {
if (!(ntraj % 5000)) cout << ntraj << " more to go..." << endl;
Double_t b = sqrt(gRandom->Uniform(bmin * bmin, bmax * bmax));
DoOneTraj(tmin, friction, b, e, tmax, dt);
// theFile->Close();
ClassImp(KVPartitionList) void KVPartitionList
const Bool_t kFALSE
R__EXTERN TRandom * gRandom
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const
Definition: KVBase.cpp:410
const Char_t * GetSymbol(Option_t *opt="") const
Definition: KVNucleus.cpp:81
static Double_t kAMU
atomic mass unit in MeV
Definition: KVNucleus.h:169
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
virtual Double_t Gaus(Double_t mean=0, Double_t sigma=1)
virtual Double_t Uniform(Double_t x1, Double_t x2)
RooCmdArg Integrate(Bool_t flag)
Bool_t IsNaN(Double_t x)
constexpr Double_t Pi()
#define R0(v, w, x, y, z, i)