KaliVeda  1.12/06
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
Release Notes for KaliVeda

Last update: 28th March 2022

Version 1.12/06 (Released: 28/03/2022)

Changes in FAZIA Data Analysis : Bugfix for raw FAZIA data analysis

When analysing raw FAZIA data, detectors were not reset before reading a new event, leading to a steadily increasing number of fired detectors with each new event. A small change to KVMultiDetArray::prepare_to_handle_new_raw_data() fixes this.

Changes in Build System

Starting from v1.12/05, we require a minimum ROOT version of 6.18, minimum cmake version 3.5, and a compiler (the same as that used to compile ROOT) with at least support for C++14.

Changes in INDRA-specific Data Analysis Tools / FAZIA Data Analysis / INDRAFAZIA Data Analysis : New methods and symbols to handle identification/calibration codes

New symbolic names (enumerations) have been added to clarify the meanings of the different identification and calibration codes for reconstructed particles detected in different arrays. See KVINDRA::IDCodes and KVFAZIA::IDCodes.

There are also some new methods to facilitate selection of appropriate codes for analysis of data in user's KVEventSelector::InitRun() method:

Change in INDRAFAZIA Data Analysis : Rejecting events based on DAQ trigger conditions (E789)

FAZIA trigger conditions for each run of E789 have now been implemented. Calling SetTriggerConditionsForRun() in the InitRun() method of an analysis class used on E789 data will now reject any event which does not have a FAZIA trigger bit pattern compatible with that which is expected for the data.

In concrete terms, this means that for analysis of physics runs (for which FAZIA trigger conditions were "M>=2" and "M>=1" downscaled by 100), only events for which the "M>=2" trigger pattern fired are accepted. Note that for the FAZIA trigger pattern to be acceptable, FAZIA must be part of the event, i.e. we also reject the (very rare) spurious cases where only INDRA is present.

See KVFAZIATrigger, KVINDRAFAZIAE789TriggerConditions, KVFAZIA::SetTriggerPatternsForDataSet(), KVFAZIA::GetTriggerForCurrentRun(), KVFAZIA::ReadTriggerPatterns.

Changes in Global Variables : Dummy global variables

A KVDummyGV can be added to a KVGVList of global variables, not to calculate anything, but just to perform a selection of events with the KVVarGlob::TestEventSelection() mechanism.

To use, simply add a KVDummyGV to the list of global variables in your analysis, and define the required event selection by calling method KVVarGlob::SetEventSelection() with a lambda function having the required 'bool (const KVVarGlob*)' signature.

Version 1.12/03 (Released: 04/5/2021)


  • correct bug in KVParticleCondition when using (old-style) pseudo-code (not lambdas);
  • fix bug in KVEvent::MakeEventBranch which could either explode or (silently) not write any events in a TTree;
  • fix (potential) bug with gamma multiplicities in reconstructed events.

Versions 1.12/01 (Released: 19/2/2021) & 1.12/02 (Released: 01/4/2021)

Changes 19/2/2021 in Data Analysis : Reusable analysis classes

As part of ongoing efforts to make analysis classes more flexible and efficient, it is now possible to use the same analysis class to analyse several different types of data. Any analysis derived from KVReconEventSelector (generic reconstructed event analysis class) can now be used:

  • analyse generic reconstructed data [this was already the case];
  • analyse reconstructed INDRA data [previously only possible with a specific class derived from KVINDRAEventSelector];
  • analyse filtered simulated data

Changes 28/1/2021 in Data Analysis : Rejecting events based on DAQ trigger conditions

Rejection of reconstructed events which are not consistent with the online DAQ trigger of each run is now handled by a new class KVTriggerConditions. This is in order to be able to handle situations which are more complicated than a simple minimum global multiplicity.

In analysis classes, the rejection is handled by calling KVEventSelector::SetTriggerConditionsForRun() in the InitRun() method of the analysis class. This replaces the condition

if( !GetEvent()->IsOK() ) return kFALSE;
const Bool_t kFALSE

which was previously used at the beginning of the Analysis() method. The new mechanism is implemented by default in the new examples and templates for automatically-generated user analysis classes. For the moment, trigger conditions for INDRA data are handled; the implementation for INDRA-FAZIA data will follow shortly.

Changes 22/1/2021 in Global Variables

Modification required to plugin declaration for any user-defined global variable classes, constructor with const char* argument (variable name) must be used, like so:

+Plugin.KVVarGlob: MyNewVarGlob MyNewVarGlob MyNewVarGlob.cpp+ "MyNewVarGlob(const char*)"

Changes 11/12/2020 in Global Variables : Definition of new frames using global variables

Global variables in a KVGVList can be used to define new kinematical reference frames which are available for all variables which come later in the list.

As an example of use, imagine that KVZmax is used to find the heaviest (largest Z) fragment in the forward CM hemisphere, then the velocity of this fragment is used to define a "QP_FRAME" in order to calculate the KVFlowTensor in this frame:

KVGVList vglist;
auto vg = vglist.AddGV("KVZmax", "zmax");
vg->SetSelection( {"V>0", [](const KVNucleus* n){ return n->GetVpar()>0; }} );
[](KVEvent* e, const KVVarGlob* v){
e->SetFrame("QP_FRAME", static_cast<const KVZmax*>(v)->GetZmax(0)->GetVelocity());
vg = AddGV("KVFlowTensor", "qp_tensor");
vg->SetFrame("QP_FRAME"); // frame will have been defined before tensor is filled
#define e(i)
Base class container for multi-particle events.
Definition: KVEvent.h:176
Manage a list of global variables.
Definition: KVGVList.h:121
KVVarGlob * AddGV(const Char_t *class_name, const Char_t *name)
Definition: KVGVList.cpp:615
Description of properties and kinematics of atomic nuclei.
Definition: KVNucleus.h:125
Base class for all global variable implementations.
Definition: KVVarGlob.h:217
void SetFrame(const Char_t *ref)
Definition: KVVarGlob.h:474
Global variable used to sort particles in order of decreasing atomic number
Definition: KVZmax.h:33
const Int_t n

Changes 21/9/2020 in Global Variables : Event selection using global variables

Event selection can be performed automatically based on the values of the global variables in a KVGVList. This is implemented for example in KVEventSelector, the base class for all analysis classes. This can improve the speed of analyses, as the conditions are tested for each global variable as soon as they are calculated, and processing of the event aborted if it fails. Variables used for event selection should added to the list of gobal variables before any others in order to optimise the speed of analysis.

For example, to retain for analysis only events with a total measured charge in the forward c.m. hemisphere which is at least equal to 80% of the charge of the projectile:

int UserAnalysis::fZproj;// member variable (in .h file)
void UserAnalysis::InitAnalysis()
auto vg = AddGV("KVZtot", "ztot");
vg->SetSelection("Vcm>0", [](const KVNucleus* n){ return n->GetVpar()>0; });
// note capture by reference in order to use value of fZproj (not defined yet)
vg->SetEventSelection([&](const KVVarGlob* v){ return v->GetValue()>0.8*fZproj; });
void UserAnalysis::InitRun()
// initialize fZproj for current run
fZproj = GetCurrentRun()->GetSystem()->GetZproj();

Changes 11/8/2020 in Core Classes

Added STL-style iterator to KVNameValueList. It is now possible to do the following (with C++11 support enabled):

for(auto& d:p) { d.Print(); }
Info in <KVNamedParameter::Print>: Name = X type = Double_t value = 3.600000
Info in <KVNamedParameter::Print>: Name = Y type = Bool_t value = false
Info in <KVNamedParameter::Print>: Name = Z type = string value = hello
std::string hello(std::string who, std::string msg)
#define d(i)
bool Bool_t
double Double_t
int type
Handles lists of named parameters with different types, a list of KVNamedParameter objects.
void SetValue(const Char_t *name, value_type value)
RooCmdArg Name(const char *name)
void Info(const char *location, const char *va_(fmt),...)

Changes 9/8/2020 in Global Variables

Major rewrite of global variable classes.

Previously, there was much source of confusion as different variables could have specific ways of defining which nuclei they would include, in which frame, etc., while the base methods of KVVarGlob for defining particle selection and kinematical frames were not always respected by all classes.

Now, the same logic is applied to all global variable classes:

  • individual variable classes define only how they are filled from nuclei by overriding KVVarGlob::fill(), KVVarGlob::fill2() or KVVarGlob::fillN() method, depending on whether they are 1-, 2- or \(N\)-body observables, respectively;
  • particle selection is handled only by use of KVVarGlob::SetSelection() and (new) KVVarGlob::AddSelection() methods; the latter adds a selection which will operate in addition to any existing selection (logical AND);
  • kinematic frame selection is handled only by use of KVVarGlob::SetFrame(); note that the same frame will also be used for any kinematic quantities used to select particles.

As an example, consider the KVEtrans variable, which calculates the sum of transverse kinetic energies for each event. Without writing a new class, the same variable can be used in very different ways:

KVEtrans e1("et"); // total transverse energy of all particles
KVEtrans e2("et_imf");
e2.SetSelection("_NUC_->GetZ()>2"); // total transverse energy of fragments
KVEtrans e3("et_imf_fwcm");
e3.SetFrame("CM"); // total transverse energy of fragments in forward CM hemisphere
Sum of transverse kinetic energies in event.
Definition: KVEtrans.h:16

In addition, as part of this rationalization, all existing global variables calculating multiplicities, or sums or mean values of scalar quantities have been reimplemented using KVVGSum, which vastly reduces code replication.

All 'Av' variants (calculating various multiplicities or sums in the "forward" hemisphere) have been removed, as they can all be implemented using existing classes just by applying particle selection criterion

vg.AddSelection([](const KVNucleus*n){ n->GetVpar()>0; }

and optionally defining the correct frame in which to apply it:


Removed classes : KVZboundMean, KVTenseur3, KVTensP, KVTensE, KVTensPCM, KVMultAv, KVMultLegAv, KVMultIMFAv, KVZtotAv, KVRisoAv


Changes 7/8/2020 in Nuclei & Events

Changes to KVEvent::Iterator

Changes 27/7/2020 in Data Analysis : Particle selection using lambda captures (C++11..)

KVParticleCondition has been extended to use lambda expressions (if KaliVeda is compiled with ROOT version 6 or later)

The lambda must take a const KVNucleus* pointer as argument and return a boolean:

KVParticleCondition l1("Z>2", [](const KVNucleus* nuc){ return nuc->GetZ()>2; });
KVParticleCondition l2("Vpar>0", [](const KVNucleus* nuc){ return nuc->GetVpar()>0; });
Int_t GetZ() const
Return the number of proton / atomic number.
Definition: KVNucleus.cpp:770
Handles particle selection criteria for data analysis classes ,.
Double_t GetVpar() const
Definition: KVParticle.h:636

Note the first argument to the constructor is a name which the user is free to define in order to remember what the condition does.

Like any lambda expressions, variables can be 'captured' from the surrounding scope, which can be useful in some situations. For example, given the following definitions:

int zmin = 3;
KVParticleCondition l3("Z>zmin", [&](const KVNucleus* nuc){ return nuc->GetZ()>=zmin; });

then the limit for the selection can be changed dynamically like so:

KVNucleus N("7Li");
l3.Test(&N); ==> returns true
l3.Test(&N); ==> returns false
#define N

Version 1.11/00

Released: 9th March 2020