KaliVeda  1.12/06
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
INDRA Geometry & Detectors

Description of INDRA array geometry and detectors.


class  INDRAGeometryBuilder
 Build INDRA geometry from Huguet CAO infos. More...
class  KVASGroup
 Group in axially-symmetric array (obsolete) More...
class  KVASMultiDetArray
 Base class for azimuthally-symmetric multidetector arrays (obsolete) More...
class  KVChIo
 Ionisation chamber detectors of the INDRA multidetector array. More...
class  KVCsI
 CsI(Tl) scintillation detectors of the INDRA multidetector array. More...
class  KVINDRA
 INDRA multidetector array geometry. More...
class  KVINDRADetector
 Base class for detectors of INDRA array. More...
class  KVINDRAe503
 INDRA multidetector array, configuration for experiments E503 & E494S. More...
 Describes INDRA as used in FNL experiment E416 (June-July 2003) More...
class  KVINDRATelescope
 Base class for telescopes in INDRA array. More...
class  KVLayer
 Set of detectors at a similar distance from target (obsolete) More...
class  KVPhoswich
 Phoswich detector in the INDRA array (first 3 campaigns) More...
class  KVRing
 Ring in INDRA array (obsolete) More...
class  KVSi75
 80um silicon detector for INDRA etalon telescopes More...
class  KVSiLi
 2mm + 40um dead zone Si(Li) detector for INDRA etalon telescopes More...
class  KVSilicon
 Silicon detectors of the INDRA array. More...