KaliVeda  1.12/06
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
Detector Calibration

Detector signal and calibration handling.


class  KVACQParamSignal
 Wrapper signal for KVACQParam objects. More...
class  KVAlphaCalibration
 Set up and run the calibration of siliciums. More...
class  KVCalibratedSignal
 Calibrated output from detector. More...
class  KVCalibrator
 Base class for all detector calibrations. More...
class  KVDBParameterList
 To store calibration parameters in a database ,. More...
class  KVDBParameterSet
 To store calibration parameters in a database ,. More...
class  KVDBRun
 Description of an experimental run in database ,. More...
class  KVDetectorSignal
 Output signal data produced by a detector. More...
class  KVDetectorSignalExpression
 Detector output from a mathematical combination of other signals. More...
class  KVExpDB
 Base class to describe database of an experiment ,. More...
class  KVExpSetUpDB
 Calibration database for experiments using coupled detector arrays. More...
class  KVLightEnergyCsI
 Light-energy calibration function for CsI detectors using a Fermi-function dependence on energy for delta-ray production. More...
class  KVLightEnergyCsI_SharpCutOff
 Light-energy calibration function for CsI detectors using a sharp cut-off for delta-ray production. More...
class  KVLightEnergyCsIFull
 Exact calibration formula for CsI detectors. More...
class  KVUpDater
 Abstract class implementing necessary methods for setting multidetector parameters for each run of the current dataset ,. More...
class  KVZDependentCalibratedSignal
 Handle several calibrations valid for different Z ranges. More...