Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
Identification code structure for INDRA data (obsolete)
Handles bit-masks used to describe identification & calibration codes for particles, and also used to define which particles are to be considered "ok" or "good" for analysis (i.e. which particles have IsOK()=kTRUE).
For compatibility with old VEDA6 codes, a set of bit-mask constants are defined to describe ID and energy codes:
Let us recall the meaning of the VEDA_6.INCL codes :
Nota: Pour le code 8 la contribution ChIo est partagee egalement entre toutes les particules qui s'arretent dans les modules suivants. Le Z individuel est donc surement faux mais cela permet d'avoir une assez bonne estimation du Z.total.
Les codes 9 et 10 sont des codes qui ont ete ajoutes pour donner au code 2 la notion d'identification sans ambiguites.
For greater ease of use, we also define new bit-mask constants which are equivalent to the previous ones, but have names which make their meaning more clear (and easier to remember) :
Code masks defining acceptable particles for events are defined using the predefined bit-masks and the bit-wise "OR" as follows:
You can test the identification code of a particle using the TestIDCode method (see KVINDRAReconNuc on how to obtain the particle's code mask):
In this example, idchiosi=kTRUE if the particle's ID code indicates detection in a ChIo-Si telescope.
This method also works to test if a given code is accepted by the mask set for an event (see KVINDRAReconEvent).
#include <KVINDRACodeMask.h>