Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for KVHistoManipulator, including all inherited members.
Apply_TCutG(TH2 *hh, TCutG *cut, TString mode="in") | KVHistoManipulator | |
ApplyCurrentLimitsToAllCanvas(Bool_t AlsoLog=kFALSE) | KVHistoManipulator | |
CentreeReduite(TH1 *hh, Int_t nx=-1, Int_t ny=-1, Double_t xmin=-1., Double_t xmax=-1., Double_t ymin=-1., Double_t ymax=-1.) | KVHistoManipulator | |
CentreeReduiteX(TH2 *hh, Int_t nx=-1, Double_t xmin=-1., Double_t xmax=-1.) | KVHistoManipulator | |
CentreeReduiteY(TH2 *hh, Int_t ny=-1, Double_t ymin=-1., Double_t ymax=-1.) | KVHistoManipulator | |
ComputeNewGraphFrom(TGraph *g0, TGraph *g1, const TString &formula) | KVHistoManipulator | |
CumulatedHisto(TH1 *hh, TString direction="C", Int_t bmin=-1, Int_t bmax=-1, Option_t *norm="surf") | KVHistoManipulator | |
CumulatedHisto(TH1 *hh, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, const TString &direction="C", Option_t *norm="surf") | KVHistoManipulator | |
CutStatBin(TH1 *hh, Int_t stat_min=-1, Int_t stat_max=-1) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefineLineStyle(TAttLine *ob, TString line) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefineMarkerStyle(TAttMarker *ob, TString marker) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefinePattern(TH1 *ob, TString titleX="42 0.08 0.8", TString titleY="42 0.07 1.2", TString labelX="42 0.05 0.005", TString labelY="42 0.05 0.006") | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefinePattern(TGraph *ob, TString titleX="42 0.08 0.8", TString titleY="42 0.07 1.2", TString labelX="42 0.05 0.005", TString labelY="42 0.05 0.006") | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefinePattern(TF1 *ob, TString titleX="42 0.08 0.8", TString titleY="42 0.07 1.2", TString labelX="42 0.05 0.005", TString labelY="42 0.05 0.006") | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefinePattern(TAxis *ax, TString title="42 0.08 0.8", TString label="42 0.05 0.005") | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefineStyle(TObject *ob, TString line, TString marker) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefineTitle(TH1 *ob, TString xtit, TString ytit) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefineTitle(TGraph *ob, TString xtit, TString ytit) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DefineTitle(TF1 *ob, TString xtit, TString ytit) | KVHistoManipulator | |
DivideGraphs(TGraph *G1, TGraph *G2) | KVHistoManipulator | |
ExtractMeanAndSigmaFromProfile(TProfile *pf, TGraph *&sigma) | KVHistoManipulator | |
fVDCanvas | KVHistoManipulator | private |
GetChisquare(TH1 *h1, TF1 *f1, Bool_t norm=kTRUE, Bool_t err=kTRUE, Double_t *para=nullptr) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetCorrelationFactor(TH2 *hh) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetDerivative(TH1 *hh, Int_t order) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetLikelihood(TH1 *h1, TF1 *f1, Bool_t norm=kTRUE, Double_t *para=nullptr) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetLimits(TGraph *G1) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetLimits(TProfile *G1) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetLimits(TMultiGraph *mgr) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetLimits(TSeqCollection *mgr) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetMomentEvolution(TH2 *hh, TString momentx, TString momenty, TString axis="Y", Double_t stat_min=0) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetX(TH1 *ob, Double_t val, Double_t eps=1.e-07, Int_t nmax=50, Double_t xmin=-1.0, Double_t xmax=-1.0) | KVHistoManipulator | |
GetXWithLimits(TH1 *ob, Double_t val, Double_t xmin=-1.0, Double_t xmax=-1.0, Double_t eps=1.e-07, Int_t nmax=50) | KVHistoManipulator | inline |
Give_ProjectionList(TH2 *hh, Double_t MinIntegral=-1, TString axis="X") | KVHistoManipulator | |
init(void) | KVHistoManipulator | inline |
IsVisDebug() const | KVHistoManipulator | inline |
KVHistoManipulator() | KVHistoManipulator | |
kVisDebug | KVHistoManipulator | private |
LinkGraphs(TGraph *grx, TGraph *gry) | KVHistoManipulator | |
MakeGraphFrom(TProfile *pf, Bool_t Error=kTRUE) | KVHistoManipulator | |
MakeHistoRescaleX(TH1 *hist1, TH1 *hist2, Int_t degree, Double_t *params, Option_t *opt="", Int_t npoints=-1, const Char_t *direction="C", Double_t xmin=-1, Double_t xmax=-1, Double_t qmin=0.05, Double_t qmax=0.95, Double_t eps=1.e-07) | KVHistoManipulator | |
MakeHistoRescaleX(TH1 *hist1, TH1 *hist2, TF1 *scale_func, Int_t npoints=2, Option_t *opt="", const Char_t *direction="C", Double_t xmin=-1, Double_t xmax=-1, Double_t qmin=0.05, Double_t qmax=0.95, Double_t eps=1.e-07) | KVHistoManipulator | |
PermuteAxis(TH2 *hh) | KVHistoManipulator | |
PermuteAxis(TGraph *gr) | KVHistoManipulator | |
RenormaliseHisto(TH2 *hh, Int_t bmin=-1, Int_t bmax=-1, TString axis="X", Double_t valref=1) | KVHistoManipulator | |
RenormaliseHisto(TH2 *hh, Double_t valmin, Double_t valmax, TString axis="X", Double_t valref=1) | KVHistoManipulator | |
RescaleX(TH1 *hist1, TH1 *hist2, Int_t degree, Double_t *params, Int_t npoints=-1, const Char_t *direction="C", Double_t xmin=-1, Double_t xmax=-1, Double_t qmin=0.05, Double_t qmax=0.95, Double_t eps=1.e-07) | KVHistoManipulator | |
RescaleX(TH1 *hist1, TH1 *hist2, TF1 *scale_func, Int_t npoints=2, const Char_t *direction="C", Double_t xmin=-1, Double_t xmax=-1, Double_t qmin=0.05, Double_t qmax=0.95, Double_t eps=1.e-07) | KVHistoManipulator | |
Saucisson(TH1 *hh, Int_t ntranches=10) | KVHistoManipulator | |
ScaleGraph(TGraph *hh, TF1 *fx, TF1 *fy) | KVHistoManipulator | |
ScaleHisto(TH1 *hh, TF1 *fx, TF1 *fy=NULL, Int_t nx=-1, Int_t ny=-1, Double_t xmin=-1., Double_t xmax=-1., Double_t ymin=-1., Double_t ymax=-1., Option_t *norm="") | KVHistoManipulator | |
SetVisDebug(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | KVHistoManipulator | inline |
~KVHistoManipulator(void) | KVHistoManipulator | virtual |