KaliVeda  1.12/06
Heavy-Ion Analysis Toolkit

Example of class source code generation using KVClassFactory

KVClassFactory can be used to generate skeleton class source files

To execute this function, do

$ kaliveda
kaliveda[0] .L KVClassFactory_examples.C+
kaliveda[1] make_examples()
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "KVClassFactory.h"
void make_examples()
KVList examples;
// Example 1: a simple base class with no member variables
// Generates a class with:
// - default constructor
KVClassFactory ex1("BaseClass", "Example 1: a simple base class with no member variables");
examples.Add(new TNamed(ex1.GetImpFileName(), ex1.GetClassName()));
// Example 2: a simple base class with 1 member variable
// Generates a class with:
// - default constructor
// - constructor with member variable initial values
// - copy constructor
// - assignment operator
// - getters & setters for all members
KVClassFactory ex2("BaseClassWithMember", "Example 2: a simple base class with 1 member variable");
ex2.AddMember("MemberVar", "Double_t", "a member variable");
examples.Add(new TNamed(ex2.GetImpFileName(), ex2.GetClassName()));
// Example 3: TNamed-derived class with no member variables
// Generates a class with:
// - default constructor
// - the same constructors as the base class
// We also show how to make all constructors and the destructor 'inline'
// i.e. implemented in the header file of the class
KVClassFactory ex3("TNamedClass", "Example 3: a TNamed-derived class with no member variables",
examples.Add(new TNamed(ex3.GetImpFileName(), ex3.GetClassName()));
// Example 4: a TNamed-derived class with 1 member variable
// Generates a class with:
// - default constructor
// - same non-default constructors as base class with extra argument(s)
// to initialise the member(s) of this class
// - copy constructor
// - assignment operator
// - getters & setters for all members
KVClassFactory ex4("TNamedClassWithMember", "Example 4: a TNamed-derived class with 1 member variable",
ex4.AddMember("MemberVar", "Double_t", "a member variable");
examples.Add(new TNamed(ex4.GetImpFileName(), ex4.GetClassName()));
// Compile all generated classes
TIter next_class(&examples);
while ((cl = next_class())) {
// Example 5: a BaseClass-derived class with 1 extra member variable
// Generates a class with:
// - default constructor
// - same non-default constructors as base class with extra argument(s)
// to initialise the member(s) of this class
// - copy constructor
// - assignment operator
// - getters & setters for all members
KVClassFactory ex5("DerivedClassWithMember", "Example 5: a -derived class with 1 member variable",
ex5.AddMember("Toto", "BaseClassWithMember*", "pointer");
examples.Add(new TNamed(ex5.GetImpFileName(), ex5.GetClassName()));
// Example 6: a TColor-derived class with extra member variables
// TColor has a constructor with default arguments
// The generated constructor treats these arguments correctly
KVClassFactory ex6("TColorDerived", "Example 6: a TColor-derived class with extra member variables",
ex6.AddMember("A", "int", "a number");
ex6.AddMember("B", "double", "another number");
examples.Add(new TNamed(ex6.GetImpFileName(), ex6.GetClassName()));
// Example 7: a class generated from a KVNameValueList
// in this case the class has member variables with the names & types of the
// the parameters in the KVNameValueList
nvl.SetValue("A", 1); // integer
nvl.SetValue("B", 3.14); // double
nvl.SetValue("C", "hello"); // string
nvl.WriteClass("NVLclass", "Class generated from a KVNameValueList");
examples.Add(new TNamed("NVLclass.cpp", "NVLclass"));
// Compile all generated classes
TIter next_class2(&examples);
while ((cl = next_class2())) {
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
void SetInline(Bool_t yes=kTRUE)
Factory class for generating skeleton files for new classes.
void GenerateCode()
Generate header and implementation file for currently-defined class.
const Char_t * GetImpFileName() const
const Char_t * GetClassName() const
void InlineAllConstructors(bool yes=true)
KVClassDestructor * GetDestructor() const
KVClassMember * AddMember(const Char_t *name, const Char_t *type, const Char_t *comment, const Char_t *access="protected")
Extended TList class which owns its objects by default.
Definition: KVList.h:27
Handles lists of named parameters with different types, a list of KVNamedParameter objects.
void SetValue(const Char_t *name, value_type value)
void WriteClass(const Char_t *classname, const Char_t *classdesc, const Char_t *base_class="")
virtual void Clear(Option_t *option="")
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
virtual int CompileMacro(const char *filename, Option_t *opt="", const char *library_name="", const char *build_dir="", UInt_t dirmode=0)
const long double cl
Definition: KVUnits.h:85