kaliveda-sim - Filtering & Analysing Simulated Data

April 20, 2022


 1 Overview
 2 Opening the GUI
 3 Adding a dataset
 4 Importing simulated data
 5 Analysing data
  5.1 Generating new analysis classes
  5.2 Running the analysis
 6 Filtering data
 7 Batch analysis (CCIN2P3) or PROOFLite (local machine)

1 Overview

kaliveda-sim is a graphical interface which allows to manage simulated and filtered simulated data. It can be used to filter existing simulations with any known detector set-up, and to analyse both ’raw’ and filtered simulations. In fact it can handle any data which is stored in a branch in a TTree containing objects of a class derived from KVEvent. Different datasets can be managed, each one corresponding to a different disk directory containing data in ROOT trees. ROOT files in the dataset directories are automatically scanned to find TTrees with a branch containing objects either of a KVEvent-derived class or of a KVReconstructedEvent-derived class. The former files will be considered as simulated data, and the latter as filtered simulated data.


Figure 1: Overview of KVSimDirGUI

2 Opening the GUI

To launch the application from the command line, type

$ kaliveda-sim

The graphical user interface (see Fig.1) opens.

3 Adding a dataset

A dataset is a directory containing ROOT files with simulated and/or filtered simulated data contained in TTrees.

Click on the ’Add dataset’ button (see Fig.1). A file dialogue opens (Fig.2): navigate into the directory containing your simulation files and click the ’Open’ button.


Figure 2: File dialogue to choose new dataset directory

Next enter a name for your dataset in the dialogue box (Fig.3) and click the ’OK’ button.


Figure 3: Dialogue box to enter name of new dataset

The new dataset appears in the list of datasets, any existing simulated and/or filtered data in the directory are displayed in the respective lists.

4 Importing simulated data

To add a new simulation to a dataset, select the dataset in question and press the ’Import simulation’ button (see Fig. 1). After selecting the file you want to import, a dialog box will open asking you to select the kind of simulation data (see Fig. 4). For each model there are two types of event: ’primary’ events corresponding to results of collisions before secondary decay (model name with no suffix) and ’asymptotic’ events after full secondary decay and propagation towards the detectors (model name with ’_asym’ suffix).


Figure 4: Dialog box to select kind of simulation data

5 Analysing data


Figure 5: Analysis tab

5.1 Generating new analysis classes

Clicking on one of the two buttons in the ’Analysis’ tab will generate an example analysis class for either simulated (non-filtered) or filtered data (N.B.: you have to use the right type of class for the data you want to analyse). You will be asked to give a name for the class. You can then open the generated ’.h’ and ’.cpp’ files in your favourite text editor in order to modify the class according to your needs.

5.2 Running the analysis

In the ’Analysis’ tab, click on the analysis class selection button (see Fig.1). In the file dialogue box (Fig.6) navigate to the directory containing your analysis class files and select the appropriate header (’.h’) file. Remember that simulated (non-filtered) data should be analysed with a class generated by clicking the ’New simulated analysis class’ button, and filtered data with a class generated by clicking the ’New filtered analysis class’ button.


Figure 6: Dialogue box for choosing analysis class header file

Adjust the number of events you want to analyse, or check ’All’ to analyse all events. Select one or more simulated or filtered data files in the corresponding list and click on the ’Run analysis’ button.

6 Filtering data


Figure 7: Tab for filtering simulated data.

In the ’Filtering’ tab (Fig.7), select the dataset and collision system which define the experimental conditions for which you want to filter your simulation. The dataset defines the detector geometry with which to filter the data. The system defines the kinematics for the required boost to the lab (detector) frame in case your simulated data is in the centre of mass frame. Optionally, you can choose a specific run number; if not, the first run corresponding to the chosen system will be used.

If the collision you are simulating is not defined for your chosen dataset, you can enter an ad hoc system in the box next to the ’Choose system...’ list: the format to use is e.g. ’129Xe+119Sn@50.0MeV/A’ (if you hover over the box with the mouse, a tooltip will appear with this information).

Choose the filter type you want (see KVMultiDetArray::DetectEvent for more details):

Choose any options to use:

Specify the kinematics of the simulated data:

Select a simulated data file in the list and click on the ’Run filter’ button. The new file of reconstructed filtered data (pseudo-experimental data) will be written in the same directory as the simulated data file: the new file will appear in the ’Filtered simulations’ list.

7 Batch analysis (CCIN2P3) or PROOFLite (local machine)

If you have a multi-core (multi-CPU) computer, you can use the ROOT parallel processing facility, PROOF, in order to accelerate your analyses. This allows the N processors in your computer to be used simultaneously to treat data as if they were separate machines. PROOF can be used for filtering or analysing data with KVSimDirGUI.

To use PROOF or the batch system at CCIN2P3, just click the ’batch’/’PROOF’ button before submitting a task. For batch jobs, the batch parameters window will open when you click the ’submit’ button.

For PROOF analysis to work, make sure you follow the guidelines given for PROOF-compatible analysis classes (KVEventSelector).